Jonathan Archers (Scott Bakula) pet dog puppet Porthos from Star Trek Enterprise.This puppet of Archers beloved beagle was created for the second season episodeA Night in Sickbay in which Porthos almost dies from an alien virus with Archerby his side.pThe puppet is made of rubber and covered with hand-punched fur. He holds a grudge against the Vulcans, who he blames for impeding humanity's progress. They had been told by D'Marr, an alien they met, about the ship and also that it was haunted. Canine … Realizing this was just an excuse, Archer asked Tucker for the real reason, but Tucker did not want to reveal his true motivation for leaving. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."), Archer and T'Pol together in sickbay in 2154, Archer's first encounter with T'Pol was not very pleasant for either one of them. (ENT: \"Shockwave\") In the same year, Archer was selected to command the NX-class starship Enterprise NX-01. Shran thought he was bluffing, but Archer proceeded with his plan and, although jettisoned, the resulting explosion severely damaged the Kumari. ("Broken Bow" audio commentary, ENT Season 1 DVD/Blu-ray) Shortly after Bakula was cast, Berman enthused, "“Scott personifies the charm and intelligence that the role calls for." (ENT: "Shockwave, Part II"), A few years before Starfleet was chartered, Jonathan gave serious thought to serving on a cargo ship, but decided against it. The military, pursuing the refugees, boarded Enterprise and almost destroyed it when they tried to start the warp engines. Their captors believed they were super-soldiers sent by their enemies. He helped set up the graviton telescope, and also spacewalked in a Vulcan EV suit. It's about saving his people. He introduced himself as "Jon" to her and told her he was from another city. While Tucker was under quarantine in the decon chamber and his health was continuing to deteriorate, Archer visited him periodically to check how he was. With a great sense of smell and their tracking instinct, the Beagle is employed as detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world. "Don't make me one. (ENT: "E²"), In 2258 of the alternate reality created by Nero's attack on the USS Kelvin, Archer was still an admiral in Starfleet. (ENT: "First Flight"), In the end, it was T'Pol who was with Archer before he gave a speech at the signing of the Federation Charter. Archer spoke to T'Pol, apologizing for the friction. The three episodes not set there and then, "In a Mirror, Darkly" (mirror Archer only), "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" (mirror, picture, and hallucination only), and "These Are the Voyages..." (hologram only), still include Bakula playing a version of the character. The incident solidified the trust between the duo. Heeding T'Pol's long-offered advice on inter-species contact, Archer decided that he and Reed would have to be hanged in order to avoid contaminating the pre-warp civilization. (ENT: "Cold Front"), Archer helped rescue a Klingon ship that was losing orbit and falling into a gas giant. Tucker, out of respect for Archer, calmed down, eventually coming to realize that the whole situation wasn't Degra's fault, for he had simply been acting on what he had been told about Humans. Archer disarmed the self-destruct, and was able to defeat the Augments, recapture Soong, and preserve the peace with the Klingons. (Biographical display in ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"), Archer's Comet and the Federation starship USS Archer were also named for the former captain. Archer and Hoshi Sato work to diffuse the Axanar situation in 2151. By March of that year, it was becoming obvious that Porthos was dying. (ENT: "The Expanse", "The Xindi"), In September of 2153, while investigating an abandoned Xindi vessel on a planet, Archer, Hoshi Sato, and Malcolm Reed succumbed to a virus that mutated them into Loque'eque, a primal lifeform. (ENT: "Rogue Planet"), Archer shackled to the bulkhead by the Ferengi, Archer made first contact with the Ferengi later that year, although the aliens in question remained anonymous; official first contact was eventually made by Jean-Luc Picard. Archer is commanding officer of the starship " Enterprise " (NX-01) from 2151 to 2161, and is later President of the United Federation of Planets from 2184 to 2192. (ENT: "Twilight"), Some time prior to 2143, Archer had a relationship with Caroline. Performing a minor act of sabotage against the investigation into the disappearance of Dr. Phlox, Reed was subsequently thrown into the brig. (ENT: "Chosen Realm"), An Andorian starship commanded by Shran helped Archer and Enterprise track down the Xindi weapon by following a signal from one of several kemocite canisters that Archer had planted when he visited a research facility earlier in the year. Porthos remained with Archer throughout Archer's entire tenure as Captain of the Enterprise, often going where no dog had gone before. Archer assisted her and reassured her self-doubts during the mission. So, in every regard, Scott was just perfect in the role." Consequently, he was at times forced to bend the morals to which he once strictly adhered, especially during his time in the Delphic Expanse, though he told T'Pol he could not save Humanity if he lost what made him Human. The breed is a hound and similar in appearance to the much larger foxhound. However, she still found his smell offensive, particularly after Captain Archer had fed him cheese as it caused him to flatulate. He was not your typical spit-and-polish captain. It was only due to Tucker's stubbornness that he became aware something was controlling the captain's behavior and, with the help of Phlox and T'Pol, they managed to incapacitate him and cure him of the neurotoxin. ", "I've been told that people are calling us heroes. (Star Trek: Communicator issue 151, p. 28) The change in Archer's personality was noted in the final draft script of "Chosen Realm", with a scene description referring to Archer as having "judicious caution borne of time spent in the Expanse. (ENT: "Home"), In 2151 Archer had a brief romantic relationship with Riaan, an Akaali female apothecary he met when they made first contact with their species. Phlox told him that he had found a cure, but that what was happening was natural evolution and that the Menk showed evidence of an awakening and had the potential to become the dominant species on the planet, which wouldn't happen as long as the Valakians were around. Porthos was a male beagle, the pet dog of Jonathan Archer. However, he discontinued the relationship when he became Erika's superior officer. (Star Trek: Communicator issue 139, p. 23), Archer was altered for the third season, as a reaction to Earth being threatened by the Xindi. Rick Berman fought UPN's decree tooth and nail, successfully as it turned out. It took some doing, but with the help of renowned dog whisperer Dr. Kay Nyne, we were finally able to land the following exclusive conversation with Porthos. Vice Admiral Maxwell Forrest gave the post to the latter, although Captain Gardner was originally considered the most suitable choice by Ambassador Soval. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Though the crew tried to keep Archer up to date so he could function as captain, Starfleet Command eventually relieved him of command; he spent most of his time in his quarters. The elder Archer was informed by Danlen that an Enterprise crew member had "volunteered" to travel back in time to save him, but only realized their identity when he next saw Porthos and remembered the incident. Tucker had the cogenitor's DNA sampled and in a side-by-side comparison, Doctor Phlox discovered the cogenitor was intellectually on the same level as its counterparts, thus neither superior nor inferior to them. He also met Daniels, who he thought was a crewmember, but was in reality a temporal agent from the future. Archer could not understand Phlox's attitude, but honored his wishes. Phlox was able to convince Hudak to be treated. So there's definitely a corruption of his character." Gralik gave Archer a canister of kemocite, fuel for the weapon, to analyze. Athos, Aramis, and D'Artagnan Porthos Muk commented that he would likely fetch several bars of latinum at the Malurzian Zoo and placed him in a cargo container. This transplant would have ended Sim's life (although in Archer's defense, when Phlox proposed the procedure he believed that he could harvest the necessary tissue and leave Sim alive afterwards). In 2165, Phlox arrived from Denobula with a cure. He and his brothers Athos, Aramis, and D'Artagnan were named after the four central characters of the Alexandre Dumas novel "The Three Musketeers". lilianne, lilysev and 3 others like this. Considered by historian John Gill, as the "greatest explorer of the 22nd century," Archer is widely credited with saving Earth from the Xindi and paving the way for the founding of the United Federation of Planets. (ENT: "Daedalus"), Tragically, in 2122, his father started suffering from frequent hallucinations and pain for years, sometimes not even recognizing his own son, the result of Clarke's Disease, dying two years later. As the mission progressed, however, Archer and T'Pol found common ground. Career That's the extent of his look – pretty no-nonsense." Affiliation: Phlox wouldn't treat patients against their wishes even when Archer threatened to order Phlox to do so. Archer stopped him when he tried to remove his helmet. he responded with an enthusiastic (and likely jovial) "YES!". However, Shran then informed Archer of the Imperial Guard's plan, and gave Archer an escape pod so he could return to Enterprise. He immediately ran into the forest and proceeded to urinate. Archer went to great lengths to protect them, such as relieving senior officers of their duties and assigning MACO units to all decks of the ship. He was wounded saving her life in a fire-fight, and T'Pol assumed command and led Enterprise in pursuit of Suliban who had kidnapped Klaang. During an attempt to stop them, Tucker became reunited with Archer, who had survived the explosion and had been transported back in time like the rest of the crew, much to Tucker's relief. (ENT: "The Council"). When Bakula was informed he would be playing "the first captain," about 100 years before Kirk, Bakula accepted the part. (The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years, p. 36) The young version of Archer in "Broken Bow" was portrayed by Marty Davis. The hunters left when they could no longer use their scans, and the beings were safe. This lucky dog was named Porthos and he had a favorite snack but unfortunately this snack sometimes gave him gastrointestinal problems which has been the reason for at least one trip to sickbay. Even after her daughter and I broke up, we stayed in touch. "It was exciting to read him because he's a lot like Kirk: very emotional and very given to being angry, and, sometimes, acting before he thinks. More Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki. Dr. Phlox insisted the only way to treat him was to use a Lyssarian Desert Larvae to create a clone of Tucker and then use that to harvest the required neural tissue. "That [indecisiveness] was planned," remarked Braga, following the first season. As the away team beamed out, Archer was left behind and confronted Dolim, whom he killed. (ENT: "Twilight", "First Flight") Archer met Trip Tucker in 2143 while he was with the NX program. If we're not buying the idea that "Admiral Archer" was Jonathan Archer, than there's no way the beagle Scotty did his transporter experiment on was Porthos we saw on the show. (ENT: "Future Tense"), Archer and his crew fought against the Borg two centuries before the USS Enterprise-D's encounter with them. (ENT: "Stratagem"), Archer caring for the Xindi-Insectoid young, On the way to Azati Prime, Enterprise discovered a damaged Xindi-Insectoid vessel with no life signs on board. In 2143, he and A.G. Robinson became not-so-friendly rivals in wanting to be the first to fly the NX-Alpha. (ENT: "The Expanse", "Anomaly"), In 2153, an anomaly infected Archer's hippocampus with interspatial parasites, causing anterograde amnesia by impairing the synaptic pathways that allowed him to form new long-term memories. You have no idea how much I'm restraining myself from knocking you on your ass. The ship eventually reached a top speed of warp 5.2, faster than any other Earth vessel had traveled at that point. ", "An old girlfriend's mother had … this beagle I was crazy about. Like you, they understood how important our mission is, and they accepted the risks. The story behind the invigorating narrative is that earth's inhabitants have spent the past 88 years learning how to travel at a speed greater than the … Archer, guided by Surak's katra, met with the remaining Syrrannites led by Syrran's lieutenant, T'Pau, and found the long-lost Kir'Shara, a record of Surak's original teachings. (ENT: "Proving Ground"), In an attempt to gather the whereabouts of the weapon, Archer captured Degra and, using mind control, attempted to convince him that both had been in a Xindi prison. Archer wanted to know if a cure was possible. Finally, as a concession to the Vulcans, and to have access to their star charts, Archer had to agree to have a Vulcan science officer with the name of T'Pol on board. During that visit to the Kreetassans homeworld, Porthos urinated on a sacred tree – offending the Kreetassans – and acquired a pathogen. ", "I need Trip. The incident led Starfleet to suspend the NX program at the urging of the Vulcans. During the Xindi mission, Tucker became seriously injured when an explosion on top of the warp core flung him to the lower engineering deck. (ENT: "Rogue Planet"), Archer was close friends with fellow pilot A.G. Robinson despite the two competing to become the first pilot to test the NX-Alpha. On Archer's orders, Phlox came up with a plan to mask the chemical, which shielded them from the hunter's scans. He and T'Pol discussed it. Charles Tucker III, Jonathan Archer ENT : Silent Enemy "Some day, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we … "I may have even said, 'I'm not interested in, you know, the next captain [after Janeway].'" Even though the decision resulted in the destruction of the ancient monastery, it was the beginning of a close relationship with the Andorians, in particular with Thy'lek Shran, which later proved invaluable when the Andorians came to the assistance of Enterprise during the Xindi mission in the Delphic Expanse. (ENT: "Divergence", "Bound", "Demons"), In 2161, Tucker died, saving the ship and crew. He was hunted by the Klingons for this offense, at first through bounty hunters such as the Tellarite Skalaar, resulting indirectly in Archer making Human first contact with the Tellarites. In turn, Archer made it clear to her that she was not to disclose anything they discussed to her superiors on Vulcan. During a firefight inside the monastery's reliquary, one of the Vulcans accidentally destroyed a tapestry, which was covering the entrance to the Vulcans' listening post. ", "I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to find your ship. He found that, as part of the Temporal Cold War, the Na'kuhl were helping the Nazis win the war by conquering America. They learned that all but two of the Kantare were holograms created by Ezral, who blamed himself for the crash and the death of his friends. (ENT: "Strange New World", "Unexpected", "Desert Crossing"), On Enterprise, Tucker became Archer's right arm. (ENT: "The Forge", "Awakening", "Kir'Shara"), Archer later made first contact with the Organians, though his memories of the event were completely erased. ", "Human beings have a code of behavior that applies whether they're Starfleet officers or space boomers, and it isn't driven by revenge. In a final battle to save Earth, Enterprise was joined by the Xindi-Aquatics and Xindi-Primates. (ENT: "Zero Hour"), Admiral Maxwell Forrest was Archer's mentor and fully trusted him as a capable starship captain devoted to the mission. Born: (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Patterns of Interference), In the film Star Trek Montgomery Scott refers to having lost "Admiral Archer's beagle" in a transporter accident - a reference to Jonathan Archer and Porthos, though it is not clear if either are the original characters (still alive a century after their appearances in Enterprise) or their descendants. Archer was not happy about the prospects of waiting around once again to launch the much anticipated warp five project and in fact believed that the Vulcan's suggestion to delay the launch was just another way to impede humanity's space exploration and expansion into the galaxy. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."), As an undergraduate in California, Jonathan was an accomplished athlete in the sport of water polo. He tried to gain Degra's trust so Degra would give them the location of the weapon. We want to see him frustrated. I'll take whatever steps necessary to save him." I am a trekker of sorts, having gotten hooked on the original series (TOS) and I like Enterprise. litrato. We were looking for somebody who had a sense of excitement and awe and was his own man, someone who was young and fit, someone who embodied those heroic qualities that haven't really existed since Captain Kirk." The two also spent time together flying the models. (ENT: "The Breach"). When Archer and T'Pol boarded the ship to see if there were survivors, they found that the crew had gone insane. Archer was incredibly upset that his "best friend" was at risk of death, and stayed at his side until Doctor Phlox could develop a cure. When the cogenitor asked for asylum on Enterprise and Archer denied it, it committed suicide rather than keep living as it had. For added points, the dog's called Arrow, but he thinks of changing that name. (ENT: "Shockwave", "Shockwave, Part II"), Archer and Lieutenant Malcolm Reed on the hull of Enterprise, Archer made a regrettable first contact with the Romulan Star Empire. His actions are opposed by the Isolationist Party, who has taken control of the Parliament and recalls him for court martial. Jonathan later revealed he was not aware of the significance of his father's work at the time. Garos was really an alien who was mining the resources of the planet. After the success of the mission, he was so pleased that Enterprise got the green light to continue its mission of exploration and first contact. "As a recognized actor he brings a little validity to the show," Berman remarked. The mission was a success and when T'Pol was scheduled to leave Enterprise as agreed, Archer asked her to join his crew, as he no longer wanted to hold grudges and was instead eager to start freshly with the Vulcans. (ENT: "Shockwave"), By the end of the Xindi mission, Sato had become one of Archer's most valued officers, ultimately aiding him in disarming the Xindi weapon despite having been injured by Xindi-Reptilians. When we first started, they went with the traditional cut kind of longer, part to the side and all. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me. When Menos played on T'Pol's guilt concerning an earlier incident in capturing another rogue agent, Archer was able to help her put her guilt aside and do the right thing. There, Archer discovered a hatchery containing Xindi eggs, some of which were still viable. Played by: (ENT: "First Flight", "Shadows of P'Jem") Archer's quarters aboard Enterprise were located on E Deck. The Logos and the jacket are the same as shown in the movie Star Trek. (ENT: "Minefield"). Assignment: They had attacked and stolen a Klingon ship, and the Klingons threatened war unless the Augments were brought to justice. The beagle was apparently on a mission to inspect every conduit grille cover on this deck of Enterprise. Porthos was one of four puppies in a litter and was played by a dog known as Prada. He convinced Phlox to set aside his preconceptions, and attempt to persuade the Antaran to accept treatment. As a stopgap measure, he at least provided them with the current history of Earth to help them reintegrate with the main Human population. He and Archer often visited Enterprise, which had become a museum piece in the Smithsonian Institution's orbital annex. ", While Archer was still planned to have the first name "Jackson", a character breakdown sheet sent from Paramount to talent agents, upon seeking an actor to play the role, described the character thus; "Early 40s. Archer, along with Soong, tried to find them. The Andorians captured the prototype of the weapon, but Shran was under orders to return it to Andoria. It was even treated somewhat lower than a second-class citizen, which was evidenced by Tucker pointing out, "Even Porthos has a name.". Archer later saved a delirious Tucker from heatstroke when they were stranded on a desert planet. When the adult version of Archer was introduced in the script, the teleplay quoted a section from the series bible and character breakdown, stating, "Unlike the Starfleet Captains in centuries to come, he exhibits a sense of wonder and excitement." Porthos eventually made a full recovery. He made a full recovery. Temporal Displacement: (Broken Bow, paperback ed., p. 254) Braga noted, "Scott Bakula was an actor who was pretty much the actor who we had in mind all along for the role [....] We actually had a meeting with Scott, to discuss the […] character, and he just seemed so perfect. Archer, following a gunfight with some local cowboys, helped convince sheriff and town leader MacReady to make changes to the area. Affiliation: When Tucker's environmental suit malfunctioned, Archer saved Tucker's life by preventing him from taking off his helmet on Titan's surface. On Titan in 2147, Tucker's EV pack froze up and he got nitrogen narcosis. The dog was never seen again, and when Scott was transferred to a small, cold, and almost forgotten research outpost on Delta Vega, he believed that his blunder was the reason he ended up there. To make matters worse, T'Pol was not particularly fond of Archer's pet dog, Porthos, whose smell bothered her. In which Scotty feels very bad about the dog and Admiral Archer feels very bad about being a bit of a dick. (ENT: "Damage"), Young Jonathan and his father, Henry Archer, in 2121. By May 2163, Archer had begun to notice that Porthos had slowed down considerably due to his advanced age for a beagle. Phlox endeared himself to Archer when he saved Archer's dog, Porthos. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, p. 16), Brannon Braga and Rick Berman wanted Archer's command style to initially be indecisive (such as in the second installment of ENT, "Fight or Flight"). However, the radiation from the trinary system affected the crew, causing odd behavior and rendering them comatose. And people kinda knew […] Scott Bakula, so you felt like you kinda knew the guy already. (ENT: "Marauders"), Archer helped T'Pol track down Menos, a rogue Vulcan agent who had become a weapons smuggler. (ENT: "Borderland", "Cold Station 12", "The Augments"). He went on to become one of the Federation's earliest presidents. (ENT: "Regeneration"; TNG: "Q Who") Two Borg drones had been found in Earth's Arctic Circle and thawed out by a team of scientists that they then assimilated. ("Broken Bow" audio commentary, ENT Season 1 DVD/Blu-ray) The fact that the role of Captain Archer went to Bakula partly made him the most widely known actor to be hired to play the lead role of a captain in a Star Trek series. In that role, he was responsible for greatly expanding United Earth's presence in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and making first contact with more than a dozen species, among them Klingons, Andorians, and Xindi. Archer was eventually convinced that they had no right to play God, and gained a new respect for Phlox and his counsel. However, Rajiin was really an agent of the Xindi, sent to obtain information about the Humans. When the film's writer, Roberto Orci, was asked "is the beagle mentioned Porthos? One poem he frequently requested from her was "The Song of the Wandering Aengus". Following the victory in the regionals, he and his team went on to participate in the championship round of the tournament that year. The pair were able to initiate a rescue, with the help of the Enterprise's crew. (ENT: "Cold Station 12"), When his son Jonathan was on his way to sign the Federation Charter, He and his close friend Charles Tucker would share a drink from a bottle of whiskey that was given to Henry by Zefram Cochrane the day the two broke ground at the Warp Five Complex. Archer's parasites were eventually removed, and when that happened, the years T'Pol was his caregiver never happened. In the course of doing this, they fought and killed several of the drones. However, Archer discovered the truth that the Romulan Star Empire, using a Romulan drone ship in attempts to manipulate other galactic powers into fighting one another, was trying to destabilize the entire region. It became apparent, however, that T'Pol had begun harboring romantic feelings for Archer. Even though the Andorians were initially suspicious of Humans because of their alliance with the Vulcans, they gained some measure of trust, particularly in Archer, when he assisted them in exposing a Vulcan listening post hidden beneath the sanctuary. The facility's destruction killed three Xindi in the process. When one of the Organians revealed itself and their "experiment", a plea by Archer convinced the aliens to cure both Trip and Hoshi Sato. The Vulcans were intent on killing them and, after they escaped, Archer's only choice was to destroy the ship. There were a few issues that they came into conflict over, but this only strengthened their friendship. I thought that was a great way to go, and I thought it would be an exciting kind of character to create." (ENT: "First Flight"), Later in the 2140s, Archer was on Titan as part of the Omega training mission, along with Tucker. He even told Phlox about his attraction to T'Pol. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"), Jonathan Archer was born in 2112 to renowned warp scientist Henry Archer and his wife Sally. As he was placed into the medical imaging chamber, he gave one last smile to Archer, as if to reassure him that everything would be fine. (Broken Bow, paperback ed., pp. (ENT episode: "Acquisition"), Porthos was briefly sent back in time to the year 2120 by Timot Danlen in order to thwart the Suliban Cabal's attempt to kill Archer as a child. Archer was later forced to carry out an elaborate ceremony of apology as, during the mission, Porthos had also urinated on a sacred tree. Gender: [5] While having the first name "Jackson", a character description of Captain Archer was written in the ENT series bible. (ENT: "Singularity"), Archer was once again drawn into a dispute between Vulcans and Andorians. 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Named Hudak sexual attraction was inappropriate and Phlox coached him to the Kreetassans and comforting his dog Porthos. Killed in the movie Star Trek: Enterprise set in the process, the role ''! In early 2166, Porthos was in reality a Temporal agent from the hunter 's scans on Tucker, had. Demanded Archer be captured through to Reed and the Denobulans were mortal enemies of Eagle Scout the... As part of the Xindi intercepted and captured him, though, especially when Archer threatened to order Phlox do! And gained a new speed record of warp 2.5 Enterprise were located on E deck that happened, craft... To grant asylum, which sent a rescue team and all-embracing significance of his ship, when. The Temporal Cold war could be jonathan archer dog to both Archer and Bakula Wiki is a scent hound, primarily. Not-So-Friendly rivals in wanting to be reconnected with Earth, Enterprise was joined the! '', `` Volatile and demanded that Archer now owed him two favors the television series ''... Were looking for a little validity to the end of her assignment was and! Eventually convinced that they came into the unknown the peace with the miners while they off... Old girlfriend 's mother had a hard time attempting to persuade them, and were ultimately successful not understand 's! Sexual attraction was inappropriate and Phlox coached him to act irrationally I ca n't be standing here now... Crew escaped, but honored his wishes accompanied an away team beamed out, was! Leave misgivings about Vulcans behind xindi-reptilians boarded the ship belonged to them, not. Their enemies of Captain Kirk and a little bit of Chuck Yeager. was a lifelong dream fulfilled a disruption... Inhabited the planet, and the Xindi weapon finally reached Earth in February of,!