Also commonly known as the Viper Shrimp, Gabon Shrimp or Giant African Filter Shrimp. Once they have found a comfortable spot in the current, they prefer not to move much. Also known as African Filter Shrimp, Viper Shrimp, and Cameroon Shrimp, this giant but peaceful species is rare but ideal for nano and planted aquariums. Please Note: These Shrimp are going through our 30 Day Holding Period. They were also quite young when I got them, some only an inch long. reply #5. excalibur. Joined: May 31, 2016 Messages: 17 Likes Received: 0 Location: Cape Town . My vampire litteraly never leaves his cave. 4) Bamboo shrimp can't hurt a fly due to their claws having evolved into fans, cherry shrimp claws are too small to harm anything as previously said ghost shrimp is a generic name they could be anything from 1 inch shrimp that can't be harmful to 6 inch … That jist may be enough to decide. They seem to alternate which they feed from. Ive been wanting a fan feeder shrinp for awhile. Bamboo and Vampire Shrimp Breeding / Basement Update - - Duration: 13:07. Vampire shrimp diet I'm sure you already know, but both the bamboo and vampire need current to feed from. The vampire shrimp really do seem to be shy/skittish. Bamboo Shrimp like tanks with lots of live aquarium plants. Shrimp and other inverts for sale at the Marp Centre Mansfield, we have a large selection of shrimp, we stock everything from yamato shrimp, bee shrimp, vampire shrimp and cherry shrimp as well as tanks, tropical fish food, shrimp food, treatments and more. I hear its very very hard with them. Bamboo Fan Shrimp Fan Shrimp or Atyopsis moluccensis are a freshwater species native to West Africa and South America. Aquariums with live plants are never “too clean”, meaning that there are many little bits of edible matter floating in the water column. Crush up an algae wafer or fish flakes or some other compatible food and pipette it in front of them from time to time to make sure they are getting food. Flats on Carpenter. However, unless they’re kept in a very largeaquarium (75 gallons or larger), it’s recommended to only keep one shrimp pertank. It has highly variable and pretty blue, silver gray, brown, white, or rose pink coloration that can change several times per year. I don't know about their salt tolerance. Marine Species Directory | FRESHWATER SHRIMP SPECIES Bamboo Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Atyopsis Moluccensis CLASSIFICATION Phylum: Subphylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus: Species: Arthropoda Crustacea Malacostraca Decapoda Atyidae Atyopsis Atyopsis moluccensis CONSERVATION STATUS The bamboo shrimp is not threatened at the moment. Bamboo shrimpstay smaller, so stick with them if you're worried about size. Most species are surface-oriented and grow not more than 2-inches. Vampire is very territorial. 1 Live Vampire Shrimp (Atya gabonensi) - 1 to 2 Inches Long - Grows Up to 6 Inches or More! My bamboo is almost always visible, out in the open. I was wondering if red cherries can live with bamboo shrimp or vampire shrimp in the same tank. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Wanted: Amano, bamboo, vampire shrimp. I have all three critters you mentioned and they do well together. 6 years ago. The Vampire Shrimp (Atya gabonensis) is certainly among the most fascinating and unique aquarium shrimp available. back to menu ↑ Danios. This beautiful shrimp is a filter feeder and does a great job feeding off the surfaces of the tank and eating matter off plants. But mine have been slow growers so far. It seems as though 3-4.5 is more common. Bamboos should get around 3 inches. Some ghosts do fine in brackish water but I can't say about yours. We might go with a bamboo then. This beautiful shrimp is a filter feeder and does a great job feeding off the surfaces of the tank and eating matter off plants. The size. Bamboo Shrimp also like their habitat to include lots of rocks, like lava rocks for example. Thanks Zach for the correction. Small, peaceful fish and inverts are probably your best options. Size is about 1.5-2 inches. Despite their name, they are a very peaceful invert. Aquatic arts had vampires for $20 last I knew, but then you are looking at $30+ shipping so I'd go with the other person's store suggestions. Therefore, you will have to provide them with this kind of shelters. Vampire cost me $60, bamboo was $30. Bamboos seem to grow a bit faster than Vampires do. Well damn. This being said, the Vampire Shrimp is quite shy, and prefer their space, so it is most considerate to pair them with creatures not known to be overly sociable, or, as the Vampire Shrimp would see it, nosy! Atya gabonensi, commonly known as the Vampire Shrimp, Giant African Filter Shrimp, or Gabon Shrimp, is a uniquely popular freshwater shrimp for the home aquarium. A friendly international place where everything aquatic can be traded, sold, bought, or given away! The shrimp has calm and peaceful temper which allows both settling it in a tank with small fishes and in a community tank with large fishes. Danios are popular schooling fish and belong to the Cyprinidae family. To stomp on top of that?! Bamboo Shrimp Male and Female Difference. My snail has dents on his shell from vampire. If your local aquarium store doesn't carry vampire shrimp, try asking them to … A HOB will do, but I have a power head (made baby shrimp safe) and a HOB. Another tank - Another day. My tanks just really getting to yhe point of being established enough for one if them. Vampire shrimp - picture by nanaglen2001. They seem to alternate which they feed from. This info pertains to what i have noticed, i am not an expert. bamboos are supposed to be able to tolerate brachish water, but I don't know about vampires. If anyone has any general tips with keeping bamboo or vampire shrimp and a recommendation on where to get one (besides petco) I would greatly appreciate it. They like lots of cover. Vampire shrimp, from what I’ve read, are supposed to reach about 5 inches, making them a bit larger than the bamboos at maturity. Their fascinating behavior, intense coloration, long life expectancy (up to 5 years under the right conditions!) Roma Aquatics 5,454 views. They will gladly nom on falling flake food if its ground up tiny. Atyopsis moluccensis comes from both Indo-Pacific region and Malaysia. Vampire Shrimp - Does anyone have these? Their colors tend to range from tan to dark brown, but once they become comfortable in their surroundings, they often turn a vibrant red or a beautiful cerulean blue! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Buying vampire shrimp. Vampire Shrimp (Atya gabonensis) are among the most unique aquarium animals available. Vampire Shrimp - Atya gabonensis. Other shrimp are an especially good option: your vampire shrimp will love to forage alongside bamboo shrimp, which are also filter feeders. by Aquatic Arts Includes one live Vampire Shrimp (Also known as Viper Shrimp and African Filter Shrimp), which will grow to a maximum of 5-6 inches as an adult. The aquarium plants provide many places to climb on, hide under and explore. My RCS colony will never have ginormous cousins to forage with :(. Uncategorized They aren't even the most common fan shrimp: bamboo shrimp seem to be a bit more widely spread in the hobby. I bought it was back but don't really use it much. My bamboo is almost always visible, out in the open. While there is some disagreement over the minimum tank sizefor bamboo shrimp, it’s recomm… They particularly love hanging around the foam cover of the filters, catching and eating the debris that gets caught around that area. Also known as the African Filter Shrimp, Viper Shrimp, Gabon Shrimp, and Cameroon Shrimp, this peaceful species is very rare, but ideal for the nano and planted aquarium. We are open 7 days a week. Indeed, thanks to its girth, among most fish it is not at risk. I'm sure you already know, but both the bamboo and vampire need current to feed from. They are found in freshwater streams and rivers. Press J to jump to the feed. Bamboo is friendly, often getting cleaned by my neos. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. He will attack anything that enters his cave, stabbing with his legs. There are many other names for this animal which can be a bit tough to keep track of.The most common are the Fan Shrimp, Flower Shrimp, Wood Shrimp, Singapore Shrimp, and the Singapore Flo… I would suggest the bamboo. Bamboo is friendly, often getting cleaned by my neos. My snail has dents on his shell from vampire. they are shy, HOWEVER, they can become MUCH less reclusive if they have friends of the same species. They are filter feeders and eat microorganisms from the food debris left by the fish. They are not really supposed to be the only one in the tank. My bamboos always die. A very common freshwater aquarium shrimp is the Bamboo Shrimp, also known as Wood Shrimp, Asian Filter Feeding Shrimp, Singapore Shrimp, Singapore Wood Shrimp, Singapore Flower Shrimp, Fan Shrimp, Flower Shrimp and Atyopsis moluccensis. They inhabit in large groups in slow rivers and streams, where they feed on various microorganisms, small particles of food. I currently use a little pipette and push in a tankwater+powered flake food mix to the most shrimp frequented areas.---Q- Does anyone here use KentMarine Micro-vert to feed them? What might you folks suggest I should add?! Bamboo shrimp can grow up to 8-10 cm (3-4 inches) and live over 6 years if you kept them in a suitable environment where they can be happy and thrive. These shrimp don’t have any specific requirements, and are adaptable to most marine aquarium setups. Mystery snail Nerite snail 2 soon to be rehomed rabbit snails. While they’re scattered all over the region in general, some of the notable locations they’re found in are Sri Lanka, Okinawa, Malaysia, and Thailand. Though it does have an especial liking for Bamboo Shrimp and other shrimp, the Vampire Shrimp is not choosy when it comes to company. Maybe it is the actual thickness of their torso and tail, or maybe its the thickness of their legs, but Vampire Shrimp have a boxy size and appearance. Ghosts, bamboo and vampire shrimp can handle 84 degrees. So I recently got some cherry shrimp from /u/Aquarium_Creation and they have exploded from 10 individuals to around 80 in the span of a few months. I don’t have a vampire shrimp but from what I had read they will eat your rcs. Vampire shrimp aren't the most common shrimp out there. I thought it would be an awesome perspective due to the size difference. 13:07. Fortunately ny lfs has both for around 20 bucks a piece so cost wasnt a factor for us. Also, there's an ad up for an aqua event on Craigslist, too far for me, but just in case you want to go: Amano shrimp, dwarf shrimp and snails should also work well. Bamboo Shrimp - Atyopsis moluccensis. Vampire is very territorial. Unlike other ornamented dwarf shrimp, it is very easy to differentiate males and females once they are about two inches long (~4 cm). User Name: Remember Me? A HOB will do, but I have a power head (made baby shrimp safe) and a HOB. Living near Pineville, North Carolina and I have a shy but happy vampire shrimp in a 75 gallon with a bunch of blue velvet shrimp. Also commonly known as the Wood Shrimp. The vampire shrimp really do seem to be shy/skittish. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, In aquariums vampires don't tend to get to 6 inches all the time. Mogamad. Which would add more character? I got it from Upscale Aquatics for $25, also found out that my nearest Pet Supplies Plus could special order them for me for $15 which is awesome. Bamboo shrimp are one of those invertebrates that require minimum care. It’s difficult for an aquarium to support even one filter feeder, and morethan one would inevitably result in food shortages. My experiences with shrimp have generally been the smaller types. Tags: amano shrimp; apistogramma; bamboo shrimp; vampire shrimp; Thread Status: Not open for further replies. FUN FACTS Size: Range: Life Span: Aquariums: … If purchased, they will ship between November 16th and November 18th. They like lots of cover. Located in the Wilmington area North Carolina. FLATS ON CARPENTER; About; Properties; Parking; Residents. Bamboo shrimp are excellent for community tanks and are renownedfor their peaceful nature. These shrim I suggest bamboo. Other Shrimp profiles: Amano (Yamato) Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bumble Bee Shrimp Marble Shrimp Red Bee Shrimp Taiwan Shrimp Tiger Shrimp White-banded cleaner shrimp. Unlike Bamboo shrimp, which do not care about anything and feed in plain sight, Vampire shrimp usually choose feeding spots on the ground near hiding places. You can include Vampire Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, and Bamboo Shrimp in your community tank as well. However, there are some, like Giant and Danglia Danios that can grow as big as 5-inches in length. and relative scarcity in the hobby make them a true showcase species. Theyre big enough as they are. Don't expect much luck with them breeding. Password: Register: Fertilator: Plant Finder: Algae Finder: User Manual: Calendar: Mark Forums Read: Advertise: Shrimp & other Invertebrates Aquarium Invertebrates - Discuss the varieties of freshwater shrimp, crayfish, and other invertebrates that will enhance your planted aquarium. Menu . Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2 > LinkBack: … Tropical Fish Home Fish News Aquarium Forum Calculators Free Aquarium Ebook Feedback Fish Anatomy Link to us Photo gallery Plant species Tropical fish species By Common name … Hahaha. Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis) are a freshwater species native to Southeast Asia. Bamboo Shrimp, also known as Singapore Flower Shrimp, are a truly fascinating species due to their lively personalities and their ability to quickly change color based on their mood and/or environment. Stainless Steel Aquarium Strainer Cover It … Compared to the thinner and more streamlined Bamboo Shrimp, Vampire Shrimp look more “heavy-duty” shell-wise. This is one of the largest invertebrates that we have to offer. It's extremely important that you make sure they can't escape the tank by crawling up any cords and hoses coming out of the water. Discussion in 'Wanted/Swop/Freebies' started by Mogamad, May 15, 2017. He will attack anything that enters his cave, stabbing with his legs. I have my little goof (Vladimir the vampire shrimp) and he does very well with any other shrimp. I have both. The vampire shrimp and bamboo shrimp become very large, bigger than glowlight tetras, so they are compatible. 7ish amanos 30ish cherry shrimps 4 corydoras(2 more added this weekend with shrimp friend) 11 neon tetras. Thank you. I dont want an aggressive shrimp! edit: I just squirted some near the vampire and he seemed really excited about it. My vampire litteraly never leaves his cave. Luxury Uptown Apartments. Be careful with bamboo shrimp though - they like to hide and can be a pain to feed. 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