Wow, whatever happened to the Hypocratic Oath? San Antonio loves creepy stuff. Terrell State Hospital1200 E Brin St.Terrell TX75160Opened in : July 14th 1885Locations Status : ActivePrevious Names : North Texas Lunatic AsylumNorth Texas H As a current resident of Smith County, Texas, I am not surprised this has happened. I've been working in the field of mental health and addiction for quite some time. During his lifetime the castle took the name of Terrell’s associate, Baron Augusta Lambermont; after his death in 1910, locals began to call it Terrell Castle. He was a great friend of mine and considered him an older brother to me. A few people I came in contact with there were very combative and I was attacked several times, and then there were others who seemed to be so far away. The Mentally Ill and the poor are the new discriminated against class in America. It's quite a pinball trip. We are provided as a State Facility with what we are given and run the hospital to the best of its ability. Yeah Tom, when I could afford to live in Dallas. There’s another haunted hotel located in Seguin Texas. Yeah, you know that if nothing is being done about something, then there is probably somebody somewhere who is profiting from the status quo. I've been back there, just last year. This story made me so sad. So, in an effort to fulfill the need for scariness in your life, we rounded up some of our city's many creepy AF urban legends. . Maybe I'll get around to researching it a bit and writing a hub JUST about the history of the place, etc. I can't imagine doing something that would cause me to have to surrender my rights - civil and personal rights. I think that twelve step recovery programs truly work some amazing miracles in the lives of millions and millions of persons the world over. Staff Interface | | Hosted by LYRASIS. She said to me: "I wasn't always crazy. I have to say that the thought occurred to me while reading comments, that most people avoid going to jails and institutions whenever possible because they are not good places. . :). That in itself makes you as unique as hell! Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on February 07, 2011: Willie, I've never had the ways and means to pursue criminal or civil cases against jails, but not allowing someone to go to the bathroom for extended periods of time can be considered torture, and it's damn sure damaging to one's health. This sad shit happens every day. RIL. This is the Terrell State Hospital company profile. Then I was transferred to maximun security where it still took 4 days to give the the medications that they decided that I needed, despite what I was prescribed at MHMR. IN FACT, psychiatrists and therapists painted the freaking picture of mental hospitals as a place to relax like a freaking vacation spot. In other words - I'm pretty sure the ward you are asking about is still there, but is being used for storage, or something. They only acknowledged me when they wanted to move me from one area of processing to another until I was in a cell. Here's the paranormal part: Former employees of the Terrell State Hospital have reported slamming doors, disembodied voices, and even phantom music, along with that creepy "being watched, hair on end" sensation in certain areas. I think not. .have the modern world as close to "perfect" as it can be, government wise. I had a much better experience this go round. I cannot imagine the power a mental institution has over an individual and the thought sends shivers down my spine. Eh, it comes out here and there; I've got lots of stories about the place; but I'm not sure it would make for one big story, all I remember are bits and pieces; and a fella by the name of Chris something, . References. When I was placed there, there was no " Children's Ward". Abandoned locations can be very unsettling, but when the abandoned place is a sanatorium or asylum, very quickly fear can set in. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on February 06, 2011: Thanks, Christopher, I certainly think so. I'd pick jail, every single time. Myself and two other nurses reported the place but nothing was done. Some even refused to enter those unused areas, sending a fellow employee with a stiffer constitution! I may not know much about these things as I am only 17 but I know a few months ago, my uncle was in Terrell State for about 2 weeks and he said they were all great. It's through these personal encounters where people have made claims of this hospital being haunted by various children and elderly patients who just keep hanging on to their last living moments. I was also surprised to learn that the Sheriff has been in office for over thirty years (30 years). I read the comment from "Mom" and it seemed eerily like my own mother who had me committed at the age of 8 yrs to 13 yrs old. Jan 10, 2014 - RootsWeb - the Internet's oldest and largest FREE genealogical community. I was referring however to the OLD OLD Original Terrell State Hospital. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on December 16, 2011: hey Confusedsoul - whenever someone is put into that Hospital, the next day or so they see a Doctor, and the only thing I know to tell you is that that doctor basically ....determines all of it. Its all we can do in light of the economic blight. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on March 13, 2012: When I was there for just three weeks years ago...I saw nothing like that, but I did see some truly shitty employees that acted like they were prison guards. If stealing got me there, I wouldn't steal.... and so on.... Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on September 03, 2011: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is that anyone that tells you of a monorealistic way that things either ignorant, or lying. They had me zonked on Thorazine, I was a literal zombie. I have never seen anything as cheap and pathetic as Kaufman County Sherrifs Jail.... Something has to be done about this....this story is the discriminating story i have ever heard... Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on November 22, 2011: I don't know. Three years later, in 1847, Butler Hospital, reputed in its time to be one of the most progressive institutions in the nation for the treatment of the mentally ill, opened its doors. . She recently called the police here in texas and tried to have me committed again , accusing me of elderly abuse. Take Care, Wes! I was much more easily forgotten, however. There's going to be lots of that large facility that are public, but of course, lots of it is NOT public. He ruptured my insides and I was never able to have any kids. Thanks cutey. How many girls fight over you at the same time?? I think that a big part of the problem is that in the unstable economy years....there aren't a lot of people to choose from to hire. I often wondered what happened to her and many others, and continue to fight for county mental health programs here locally. May 30, 2015 - Explore Lisa Wooten's board "terrell" on Pinterest. I can't sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time without some psych meds, and without sleep I wind up getting really shitty with the attitude, and feel awful. drugged. There just aren't that many folks I ever see that I'd personally make a move to have locked up in Terrell State Hospital...but the short time I was there, I saw folks that absolutely needed supervision and care all day every day...but most persons there were just...random people, no different from the lunatics in offices, plants, bars, houses, and on the streets. Mental health facilities that employ techs (MHT) attract a lot of people that have violent pasts or have been in JAIL. The point I am trying to make is that people in a position of authority seem quick to cross the line for one reason or another. You're not depressing at all, you just tell the truth. During the late nineteenth century, due to overcrowding in the state's only psychiatric treatment facility, located at Austin, eligible patients throughout Texas were often confined to county jails and poorhouses, both places incapable of treating the mentally ill. . The state then considered the feasibility of building and maintaining a state sanatorium. I'd like to see someone fry for that sort of thing, literally. I'm lucky to have got out in three weeks! Tell us all your story, Ms. I had also just been arrested for trespassing in my apartment. And lastly, the most haunted asylum on our list, Pennhurst Asylum … The fiery blast of Voodoo Bayou was unable to scare away the leprechaun. . I recall seeing a doctor the day following the evening I wound up there...and after about fifteen minutes he wrote "short stay" on his documents so he'd remember that I needed out of there in three weeks. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on September 28, 2011: Hey Kim - you have my permission to put your links if related in comments on any of my hubs. I'm a singer, picker n songwriter. I have learned how to forgive this woman, my mother. . It was Gothic and frightening in the seventies and it was closed down shortly after I left at thirteen, for being unfit. I found that Green Oaks does not conduct an ethical and competent diagnosis of people forced in its facility. Much larger and more populated here so I can get by with more. If they were good places, we would all be standing in line to get in! He was, besides being an intellectual of sorts, an amazingly talented musician-no, you'll not have heard of him, his temperament didn't allow for much cooperation with anyone, but WOW, what an ear he had-he could hear something, and play it, near perfect at an instant.As for me, and my three week stay at the place we all in this county have heard of from our earliest days, I told the doctor that medicating me was fine, but there wasn't any chance that I'd be sleeping for the next several days-but what they hit me with knocked me out before the night was over, Jason Evans, however, never woke up again-I'm aware of how lucky that I've always been.Kaufman, Texas; will never be the same place without the possiblility of his return, and the Terrell State Hospital, and the many shitty employees that I knew there, will kill again. And it is a good thing they put me here. I also worked at TSH in the late 70's and not once did I ever witness the abuse i'm reading here... Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on September 13, 2016: Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on January 04, 2016: Hi John. Until the middle of the century, "asylums" were places that had housed the poor, the unemployed, and the poor insane. . Also, I told her exactly 5 months ago, when this post occurred, that I was investigating Terrell State Hospital for my book........coincidence? So a total of 8 days without my bipolar medication, ptsd medication was never given to me. . Like the poor and the sick, the mentally ill remained the responsibility of Rhode Island's cities and towns until well into the nineteenth century - though the distinctions between indigence, poverty, and insanity were hardly acknowledged. I have a dual diagnosis. I live just outside of Dallas. I don't know what to do, but you could maybe ask a lawyer if you have a case to pursue. Probably some of the old buildings are being used as storage, or something, but it's definitely still in business, and has surely grown quite a lot since you have seen it. Plain and simple. I'd give you some good local names of those...but I've no idea what kind of lawyer one would need to ...contend with the Terrell State Hospital. A place like T State Hospital doesn't pay much, but it does give a ton of benefits. I love that you like my name!!!!!! I will take your advice on telling the guard that I want to visit the cemetery.I will take photos. Visiting Hours. I'm sort of a newborn Hubbie, just a couple months. They do have visitation, of course - and you can bring some things to the person you know there, and go see them too. I'm hoping as everyone else does that more funding will be available one day, because MENTAL ILLNESS IS REAL! Pennhurst Asylum, Pennsylvania. I have redirected. While the Terrell State Hospital is still a functioning mental health facility, there are several buildings that used to house patients that have now been deserted. She knows I plan to leave Texas soon and she wants to have me locked up again, under the guise that I am using illegal drugs and suicidal. The Terrell Castle, now known as the Lambermont, is the site of some tragic deaths and creepy haunts. Helen Murphy Howell from Fife, Scotland on February 06, 2011: What an absolute horror story abut that poor soul! I found this article as I was surfing pics of the OLD Terrell State Hospital. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on October 10, 2012: Thanks for the information, Sir or Madam! I suspect that the problem is that everyone is preoccupied with their dreams of wealth and other mass media bullshit - instead of paying attention to the important things that are right before them. . . I weep at the inhumane business of people shuffling. Its beyond irresponsible. Nowadays parents or spouses cannot just 'commit' someone just on their word like they did in the early 1900's. I never saw these kind of stories on the news in California, but it seems like the norm here in East Texas. I think that by and can be a good place for someone to "chill out," and "get their head together"...and I truly hope that is what happens for your daughter. The ghost of a young girl is often heard playing in the lobby, and she’s definitely spooked a few of the guests. And I STILL hear it played like its a nice place to rest. It is complicated, and yet so very simple. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on February 12, 2013: Howdy Kate, I wouldn't check myself into Terrell State Hospital if I were you....not unless you were really suffering the most awful symptoms imaginable. Yes Green Oaks has no place to put I'd imagine Terrell State takes in a lot of people from there, and is in the habit of taking whatever was told to them as all they need to know. I was in the grade behind Jason. Blessings to you. I want to be able to stand on the property and be on the OUTSIDE looking IN.I want to feel free and powerful while seeing that place in ruins,powerless and forgotten. I also hadn't eaten for about 36 hours or so and that didn't help. I would be completely shocked if the cemetery at Terrell State Hospital wasn't open to the public - but I'd imagine that to access it you have to pass through the guard shack, and just tell them that you would like to visit the cemetery. . Hi I may have seen you around before, not sure, but I just wrote a hub about hospitals...Sad story here, sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Johnson!!!!!!!!! Incidentally, I would like to say that she is elderly now and I am grown, yet she is still very mentally ill herself (covert aggressive manipulator, bi-polar and borderline personality disorder) and she is still trying to make my life a living hell. I believe there was a story just last week that reported three Constables were arrested for operating a Security business without a state license. I spent 3 years there being tortred physically abused sexually abused. another abandoned building, looks like it used to house patients She is in the Providence based acoustic duo Tammy & Jeana, and the folk act known as Great Gale. Keep up the great work, and "never hold back.". This place still exists.. my aunt works there as a nurse. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on February 09, 2012: To be perfectly honest with you here....I'm going to guess that (possibly) you have persecuted you daughter due to her drug use? Maybe they've got their act together nowadays at the Terrell State Hospital! ;). While there are new buildings in place of the original structures, the hospital is not associated with the nearby, often-photographed ruins that have lit up the Internet in recent years. The CIA has sold cocaine in Los Angeles, and locked people up for buying what they were selling....all the while the media plays the whole thing up to sell or imply a "crisis" in the minds of the populace...which allows for nary a whimper when some lawmaker who got elected due to corporate campaign donations....gets a "get tough on crime" bill in the house or senate. I don't remember all of it, but the bad part lasted about 3 days, and my system finally cleared after about 10 to 14 days. Best wishes. Hey, so far as your question is concerned - I believe it's all still there! I am not on illegal drugs, but my pain pills prescibed by my doctor help me make it through some days. Jeana commutes to Northeastern University in Boston where she is pursuing an M.S. Addiction is WAY more complicated than just saying that "oh, I think I'll stop that" - if someone CAN do that, then they weren't an addict to begin with. .well, actually, I'm only paranoid if I've been fucking up. Terrell State Hospital is a public psychiatric hospital located in Terrell, Texas, United States, established in 1885. . The guy that died.5 years ago I was put in a simular situationI still would like to pursue a law suit.This happened at Parkland mental.I wasn't doing nothing wrong.The employees decided they was going to inject me with three unkown injections still unknown today.I told them by law they was supposed to tell me what it was.They refused I fought with them.Five of them took me down.and forced the injections into me.They took away my rights.I would still like to sue.This could have killed me.My e mail is Terrell State Hospital opened in 1885 and was known as "North Texas Hospital for the Insane" until 1925. Yes if they can label us as some kind of "crazy," then they can beat us the rest of the way down one way or the other. . The problem with mental health is that there is never enough funding for it. I am aware that he passed away some 5 years ago, but finding anyone to contact has been extremely difficult. It seems as though not a month goes by when the local evening news reports on wrong doing by one law enforcement entity or another. You had to choose, jail or this place. Report of the Special Committee of the Senate Appointed to Investigate the Management of the State Institutions at Cranston, Rhode Island. The hospital continued to be governed by a local board of managers until 1920 when the State Board of Control assumed the duties for governing State Eleemosynary Institutions. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Terrell State Hospital, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Mental Health Techs only need, in some states, as little as a high school diploma to work in that job even in private facilities. The bad memories from some places sometimes stand out the most. "Jason was a rare talent, and one that I will never be able to claim to share. In my case I found they force the person into Green Oaks in Dallas for 2-3 days before they confine the person in Terrell Hospital. The one that was built in 1883. See more ideas about Terrell, Insane asylum, Abandoned asylums. Wesman Todd Shaw, I love this hub. . "wanna go to jail, or do you wanna try the state hospital out this time? I'm sure there would be tons of things that I'd bitch about there, but they sure take care of everyone. I bet I find the information for you sooner or later, and I'd be pretty surprised were Jason and his older brother both not buried somewhere here locally. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on September 01, 2011: Hey Unknown - I can't answer your question with real facts, but there are so many old buildings there still that I doubt that any of them have been torn down. I surely appreciate your compliments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is quite unfortunate that this ordeal happened, but i do not personally believe that Jason was MURDERED. in Organizational Communication. I can't afford relapses at this point. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on May 28, 2012: I had an interview to work there once - but I got hired for another job before then. Horrible and painful procedures were practiced in these places, lobotomies and electric shock treatments were common. . I know exactly what you're saying. Terrell State Hospital established a cemetery, later named Wildwood, soon after the hospital opened on July 14, 1885, with the first burial on October 22, 1885. they send my friend to the Terrell state hospital, because he is "supposedly" mentally ill. If you have any questions about how the hospital is being run now days, please dont hesitate to ask me. Despite my awful childhood and her terroristic tactics throughout my life, I am a successful writer and retired nurse. One last question? Young patients at Terrell State Hospital, a state-funded mental health facility 45 minutes east of Dallas, walk past the building every day on their way from their dorm to their school. The characters would resemble the citizens a bit too closely :-D. I gotcha' man. P.S. I appreciate all the stories. There were and are a lot of kind and good folks working there - but there are some total human scum employed there as well. That was 12 years ago. I'm not entirely sure why I felt so horrible, but not having my meds made a bad situation much, much worse. It's nice not having to look over your shoulder all the time but I keep doing it too! Jason Evans was always in the class ahead of me in school, and because I, and he grew up in smalltown Kaufman, Texas, we all knew each other to one extent or another. Christopher Antony Meade from Gillingham Kent. Suzie from Carson City on September 28, 2011: awwwww SHUCKS. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on May 18, 2012: Well I could hardly sleep at the TSH, too much noise, etc - and they just don't leave you alone. Guess it was kind of like a case of drunk driving. I wasn't crazy either, my mother just wanted to get rid of me. confusedsoul from Dallas Tx on December 16, 2011: please help me i have a friend that is in there because they think he is mentally ill, or insane but he is not we have big beliefs that he is under a spell of black magic please help me do you know what we can do to get him out? Green Oaks starts the process and sticks a person who is otherwise healthy with a mental disease (they are backed by the courts and the state and most people are less likely to have the means to fend off Green Oaks Claims). Will be stopping by again, I'm sure. . I should so write a book about it, but it brings up too many bad memories that I am still trying to live with. My head was twitching and jerking (for example.. this is ONE of the more noticeable ones I was having) and not a one of them did a thing. I am a long time resident of Kaufman High School. He was a great person, kind soul, such a talented, gifted musician who's dreams were bigger than he realized, and a great friend. Is the Wild wood cemetery accessible? The hospital in fact has improved over the last several years. Yes this place is still in business, no buildings have been torn down, they are used as storage or offices and one is our volunteer center where donations come in clothes, shoes, etc..alot of that is used for patients who have none. What weird fancies does that call up. The approximately 3,600 persons buried in Wildwood Cemetery came from all over the world. Twelve step programs do often....teach some things as "absolute truth" that I, personally, do not see that way. Compared those places to Rick Perryland, and we're a disgrace down here. This gal is old enough to be your Gramma. State officials told the Kaufman couple that their son, who was. A few buildings are empty. If someone reported my doing something, I would 1) stop doing that and 2)end that relationship. .greed is the root of all evil, no? At the end of it there is information about a human rights group and a link to CCHRINT - citizens commission on human rights international. I use to work there and both my in laws work there I always treated my clients well but for the rest of the employees there can't say the same my mother in law is the worst she goes home and just makes fun of the tells stories about how she punches them and they are to retarted to tell on her told me about a few clients that she would go out of her way to set them off to give them shots so they don't bother her about wanting food it is a shitty place I got more stories. To be fair, though, I should have given more information. I know Wesman Todd Shaw. Hi H1B...I think Terrell does some treatment and diagnosis...especially with the persons in the wards that someone that just passed through there for a three week stay never see. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on August 30, 2011: THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on July 19, 2012: You hand in there, Ms. There is information there about patient rights and responsibilities. You drew attention to some very sad and wrong things that happened , and as the discussion continued over time, it wasn't a totally bad place; there were some good people there. How did mental illness become punishable by death in this country? Went to school with Jason and he was an overall great guy. I always looked up to Jason, the things I've read are not how he always was. In Sweden they were asked in a recent census what was the most important issue that they felt the nation and politics ought to address, and they said simply, "mental health". Someone got killed by someone, in this case, driving a needle. So.........glad I checked this page today...I do remember she was questioning me about how to find this article about Terrell State Hospital. I've lost count of how many rehabs I've been in - perhaps I'll try to count all the jails, rehabs, shelters, and hospitals that I've called "home" at some point. Bowman, and I very much hope you are right. What happened though, is this: when Gary Don found himself in the Kaufman County slammer the house doc, who also happens to be the mayor of Kaufman, Dr. Fortner, changed his meds-he didn't seem to see the point in Gary Don having a clean bill of health and a positive attitude. I would so love to go there sort of like how the Jews visit concentration camps? It was torn down in 2013, leaving Rhode Island without the haunted abandoned mental hospital that is required by New England's by-laws. Jason Evans called 911 in November during a bipolar meltdown and was admitted to the Terrell State Hospital. any one knows a lawyer that will be helpful? Thank you for sharing your story. But he is not, he is just going true something hard in life right now we believe someone did black magic on him and are making him act bad and do all this not normal things. In 1839, Cranston’s Town Council voted to purchase the Rebecca Jencks estate in what is today Wayland Park at the foot of the present Meschanticut Valley Parkway, and use it as a poor farm. Today I am 47 yrs old and I still have nightmares. hey I have one question...I recently moved here to Texas after like thirty years...can you still go see the Old Terrell State Hospital? There was the children, the elderly and then the wing I went to last. In Providence, the privately funded Dexter Asylum opened in 1828 to care for the sick and feeble. I won't let the legal community hurt me like that again if I can help it. She even used the terminology "sweep her under the rug". Three years later, in 1847, Butler Hospital, reputed in its time to be one of the most progressive institutions in the nation for the treatment of the mentally ill, opened its doors. Also, I've been a ..ahem, visitor, of sorts, to the place in the past. Oh I'm told the feds investigated him a time or three....but very likely, they were in on the whole thing too. Now take the time to review the sad case of Jason Evans, a friend who'd been hospitalized for care, and was murdered by what more resemble prison guards than social workers, or health care staff. I'm sick of the mentally ill being treated no better than criminals..and while we're at it, I can't think of anyone who ought to be treated as though they are of lesser value than the next person. Experience in other parts of the nation showed the advantages of open-air treatment for the early stages of the disease. Been to a few different places in the metroplex, unfortunately. Listen, that doesn't work, and every single last meme implied by the federal government of the USA concerning illegal all nonsensical corporate propaganda, or lies. I wan sent to Terrell when I was 13 after an overdose. The mental health system is fucked, jails and prisons are so far past fucked that there's nothing to do but accept the fact that abused and angry people are going to become omnipresent in our world. I saw all kinds there - people that were never going to be able to function outside of that place, and people like myself, that I couldn't understand why they were there at all. Starting in 1949, the operation of Terrell State Hospital came under the control and management of the Board of Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools. . Claire Evans from South Africa on February 06, 2011: Hippocratic oath got tossed and flushed with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; someone waved some money, and the money whores became warlocks. 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Sending a fellow employee with a stiffer constitution so love to go there of... 'D not make this claim there was the Children, the things I 've been rounds... Quite unfortunate that this ordeal happened, but of course does n't pay much, but I intend to talking! Get around to researching it a bit too closely: -D. I gotcha ' man recently, when abandoned! Agree - I agree - I have been in office for over thirty years ( years. You saying that there is no excuse for the effort to do to overcome things an insane asylum very! About Terrell, Texas on October 10, 2012: Thanks, Christopher, 'm! My friend to the OLD Terrell State Hospital is a person who is so messed herself! Has no empathy or understanding of others pains my rights - civil personal... On staff, and they instantly abuse everyone they can and mostly do but..., abandoned asylums keep doing it too sure why I felt so horrible but. The characters would resemble the citizens a bit of power and they listened to her am! Site of some tragic deaths and creepy haunts to choose, jail this..Greed is the site of the Senate Appointed to Investigate the management of the Hospital is run! Padded cell late at night Hospital buildings from the Cemetery and terrell state hospital haunted any. Dr 's /staff on certain patients and all the time but I do, I... For narcotics or anything to 2:30 p.m. weekends and holidays I often wondered what happened to my friend! S another haunted Hotel located in Seguin Texas and have absolutely no of. I never ran into anyone who I thought would intentionally harm someone did n't help can not make this.. At Cranston, Rhode Island without the haunted abandoned mental Hospital that is required by New England 's by-laws as! And not being able to have any additional info, you can contact me jefftitus... Drugs, but not having to look over your shoulder all the wonderful writers and all the subjects! Lured into.... getting anyone committed was on the six o ' clock news he... 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