By signing up, you agree to the our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Here they are. The safe is located all the way in the back. The bank is in the giant open area that Ellie journeys to after The Last of Us Part II's opening chapter. The last of the loot. It's in that giant infected-filled skyscraper that you have to descend on your way to the hospital. With the Tanden soda tax burden, the cost of a 12-pack of soda could increase by $1.11 to $1.44. You'll see a brown door that leads to a bedroom--the safe is inside. From there, search the apartment for a clue to when the 30th anniversary is. The Last of Us 2 is a grim world in which around a dozen people all owned the same model of safe. You'll find the skeleton of a FEDRA soldier nearby with a machete sticking out of his chest. Cola is good. On your way in, grab the pharmacy note--this will be your clue. Do not press more than 5 times. Among the ones you'll come across on your adventure are the combination safes. Last of us 2 locker code is well hidden. The final safe is found about halfway through Abby's Seattle Day 2. {{#media.focal_point}}. It's located at 5th and James. Revamping the animation system to fully express Ellie’s desperation, resourcefulness, and agility. The door will open and you’ll be able to rummage about inside to get some extra supplements and ammunition. Players will find a door that leads to a lounge where a plethora of valuable supplies can be found in the Tunnels section of the game's main story. All Safe combinations and where to find every safe in The Last of Us Part 2 to get the Safecracker trophy on PS4. The vault is on the left wall of the bank, through the safety deposit box room--it opens to the combination code 60-23-06. If you're having trouble finding it, check the walls in the thrift store's bathroom. You want to find the WLF gun cache note--that has the combination on it. Safe Combinations and Locations ; Which Weapon Upgrades Should You Get First? The combination is just on the note, there's no riddle to solve. It's very on the nose, yes. A tax on sugary drinks would also be extremely regressive and disproportionately harm low-income Americans. The Last of Us 2 Soda Can Door Code. But if you just want to open the safe and move on, the combination is 30-82-65. The Employee of the Month safe is the first of many you'll come across, though the combination can be a little tricky to find. This The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - The Tunnels has tips to get through the station. You can miss the bank (it's optional) but you'll stumble on it eventually if you just explore the area. If that doesn't make any sense, well, the answer is 30-23-04. Once you're through it and the boat repair shop you'll enter next, you can break a window to get into a trailer. The Last of Us Part II focuses on the physical, emotional, and mental state expressed through every facet of gameplay. But he ended up in the lousy position of writing about those amazing jobs instead. This is the final safe that you'll find in Seattle Day 1. ... You have 2 clues: 1 is a piece of paper and the other is a soda can. This combination generator will quickly find and list all possible combinations of up to 7 letters or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. Head to the back of the supermarket in Jackson and look in the back office. Chapter 2 - … Instead you can work out the safe combinations by ear - … \(\binom{5+25-1}{25}=\binom{29}{25}=23751\) There are 23751 ways to select 25 cans of soda with five types. Use melee weapons or a brick on the furthermost vending machine in the room to get the soda can. Input 1, 5, and 2 in that order, and then input 4 and 3. If you don't want to look, then the full combination is 10-08-83. Reading it will give you the code: 1-5-2-?-?. Feel free to get started by checking out one of our popular guides from the list below! After obtaining the speedboat, you'll leave the mall-like area and eventually reach a point where you'll take the boat through a building, but a gate will block your progress. Once you're done with the fight, you're free to open up the safe. The Last of Us 2 - Safe Code Combinations You can find 14 Safe Codes, 2 Gate Combinations and 1 Locker Code in this game. A pool and climb out on the table near the vending machine in the game subjectively a... But now we 're in the game subjectively becomes a slog after the Last of Us Part 2 be... Soda can inside facet of gameplay soda pop ( disambiguation ) 're with. Then jump across the opposite building vodka: I ca n't figure the rest out, I guess it onward. Free to get through the Red Dragon Bar to find the 10th safe ways. 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