Act 2000-232, Acts of Alabama, April 13, 2000
Like most websites we use cookies. Red Hills Salamander Phaeognathus hubrichti Highton 1961. collect. By Senators Lipscomb, Butler, Armistead, Myers, Callahan, Lee, Dixon, Bedford, Little (Z), Denton, Holley, Mitchell, Lindsey, and Preuitt
The Red Hills salamander, officially acknowledged as Alabama’s state amphibian, is a terrestrial animal. The elusive Red Hills Sala-mander is between 4 to 10 in. the official state amphibian of Alabama. overview; data; media; articles; maps; names Under the Endangered Species Act, habitat for the Red Hills salamander cannot
More specifically, it lives in the Red Hills region of southern Alabama, hence the name. The Red Hills salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti) is a fairly large, terrestrial salamander growing to about 255 millimetres (10.0 in). Facts Summary: The Red Hills Salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "amphibians" and found in the following area(s): Alabama. state amphibian. When threatened, these salamanders display behaviors such as gaping, biting, writhing, body flipping, and tail lashing. The elongated body has 20-22 costal grooves, with 12 or more intercostal folds between adpressed limbs (front limbs bent backward, hindlimbs forward). Red Hills salamander T 4 (SE) 0 429 429 1977 Yes (1983) No Plethodon neomexicanus Jemez Mountains salamander E 2 (SW) (6929) (1065) (7994) 2013 No Yes (2013) Plethodon nettingi Cheat Mountain salamander T 5 (NE) 0 324 324 1989 Yes (1991) No Plethodon shenandoah Shenandoah salamander E 5 (NE) 0 324 324 1989 Females lay a cluster of 6 to 16 eggs that is attached by a short stalk to the roof of the burrow or a nearby crack in a rock. Bakkegard, Kristin A. Red hills salamander. It is uni- Acquisition of 25 sites containing viable salamander populations and retention as a threatened species under United States federal law are recommended. But it is a unique species, with some features making it different from all other lungless salamanders. The Red Hills salamander has a dark brown tail and body and grows to approximately ten inches in length. The majority of the salamanders' range was located on private property until 2010, when the Forever Wild Land Trust and the Alabama Chapter of the Nature Conservancy together purchased two tracts of land, totaling 4,376 acres, in Monroe County. Phaeognathus hubrichti (Red Hills Salamander) is a species of amphibians in the family lungless salamanders. reproductive rates and loss of habitat from logging and other practices. (Act 2000-232, p. 367, §1. One salamander, captured as an adult in 1978 by a collector from the Cincinnati Zoo, was still alive as of June 2014. It’s genus name is a juxtaposition of two Greek words ‘phaios’ which means dark-colored and ‘gnathos’ implying the jaw. Its body color is gray to brownish without markings, and its limbs are relatively short. Conserving the Nature of America. It has a small range in an area between the Alabama and Conecuh Rivers that spans just six … Jan 11, 2014 - Learn more about the Red hills salamander - with amazing Red hills salamander photos and facts on Arkive They… Continue … Of the salamander’s remaining 250km square habitat, 60 percent is owned or leased by paper companies. Only terrestrial vertebrate confined to Alabama and irregularly distributed within a narrow belt of two geological formations (Tallahatta and Hatchetigbee) in parts of six counties (Crenshaw, Butler, Covington, Conecuh, Monroe, and Wilcox) in the Red Hills (Schwaner and Mount 1970, Mount 1975). Genus: Phaeognathus
The law designating the yellow hammer as the official Alabama state bird is Section 1-2-34 (STATE AMPHIBIAN.) States: Alabama; Size (Total Area Covered, by State) 380 acres (Alabama) Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State) Species Overview The red hill salamander is a large burrowing species, it's one of the largest species of plethodontid and it can grow to a maximum length of 250 mm. They've got well-developed "costal" grooves in their skin, generally numbering between 20 to 22. The Red Hills Salamander is currently listed as endangered as its losing its forest habitat to pine and timber harvesting firms. It is the official state amphibian of Alabama. It is listed as endangered by IUCN. This act shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law. Red Hills salamanders have never been observed digging a burrow, but they most likely use existing tree-root channels and cracks. This bill would designate the Red Hills Salamander as the official
The Red Hills Salamander, Phaeognathus hubrichti Highton 1961, is hereby designated and named as the official state amphibian of Alabama. Alabama. The other thing you have here, in addition to not freezing, is that it’s really warm. The
The peak of sexual activity occurs in the spring; however, there is evidence that limited
Choose between 4 icons in both vector SVG and PNG format. Salamander, Red Hills (Phaeognathus hubrichti) Wherever found T Non-Listed Species: No non-listed species Habitat: forested timberlands States: Alabama; Size (Total Area Covered, by State) 3079 acres (Alabama) Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State) Data not available ), Taxonomic Hierarchy: Red Hills Salamander, Kingdom: Animalia - animals
State amphibian. The first specimen of the Red Hills salamander was collected by self-taught naturalist and biologist Leslie Hubricht, who was conducting a scientific survey for land snails in Butler County near. This salamander is endemic to Alabama, meaning it is found nowhere else in the world. Threats include habitat fragmentation caused by clear-cutting slopes or the tops of slopes at sites where burrows are present. The Red Hills salamander does not inhabit any protected land, complicating conservation strategies. This species is found only in south central Alabama and is listed as a protected non-game species by the state of Alabama. Red Hills Salamander - Phaeognathus hubrichti. The threatened Red Hills Salamander is also found in the forested slopes and bottoms. Habitat . Its translucent purple skin helps make the RHS a strikingly beautiful animal, but you’re unlikely to catch a glimpse of this creature.
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