Unlike harvesting fruit or mushrooms, the root of ginseng is the valuable component, so you have to remove the plant from the soil. The price of wild ginseng roots has climbed in the last decade. Growing up digging ginseng with his late father and now as someone who works in the industry, Mitchell McCullough has seen the good and bad with Ohio’s ginseng crop, and this year is one of those years that has him wondering what the season holds. This translates to $77,750 per acre. Potted seedlings are $5/ea, bare-root $3/ea plus shipping. One half-acre plot of wooded land can yield up to $30,000 of ginseng if the plant is cultivated properly. In the right location, this can be a very profitable crop that requires very little maintenance once established. “So we did this [investigation] for the people that follow the rules and rely on this [ginseng},” said Kiefer, adding enforcement efforts of the state’s ginseng hunting rules are focused on ensuring the legal digger has a season. These often sell out in late spring, so if you want to reserve yours now and are willing to pay for your plants ahead of time, email me at document.getElementById("eeb-919617-304247").innerHTML = eval(decodeURIComponent("%27%6d%61%64%69%73%6f%6e%40%77%69%6c%64%6f%7a%61%72%6b%2e%63%6f%6d%27"))*protected email* for an invoice and I’ll mark yours and set them aside now. CLEVELAND — Known as Ohio’s "green gold," a rush happens now through Dec. 31 as hunters take to Ohio’s forests in search for ginseng—an herb with an aromatic root highly prized in Asia for its medicinal properties. Overproduction of ginseng, particularly in Canada, drove down prices from more than $40 per pound to less than $8 per pound, below the cost of production of about $12 per pound, said Sego. Another long time friend of mine who is also in the business. I will buy large/old green ginseng at $120/pound. Although ginseng fetches a high price per pound, it takes roughly 300 plants to make up a dried pound of ginseng, which is how it’s sold. The Wild Ozark Nature Boutique & Nursery will have ginseng seedlings (in pots) from May through October, available for local pick-up, or bare-root plants from October through end of November to be shipped anywhere in the US. No permits for national forests this year. Depending on the grade of the plant, prices for the dried roots can range from $12 per pound up to the $300 mark. Beginning the second week in the season, diggers bring their dried roots to “buyers” or “dealers”, who then sell it on to larger buyers who are often exporters. (Daniel Boone) It’s the beginning of the en d for many years I predict. In 2018, 2,175 pounds were harvested, selling at an estimated $700 per pound. Hi Allen, I don’t usually keep the info on people who email me tips but if I can find the email from him I’ll forward your question to him. Is Derek’s name derrell Adkins, how do you contact him? Under intense cultivation the roots grow quickly to a harvestable size. One pound of stratified seed contains an estimated 6,400–8,000 seeds. In some states, the poaching of ginseng is a felony offense. Hi Elvy, I’ll be happy to pass along your information to my dealer contacts. If so, send to (function(){var ml="lwz%kr.0inc4smdoa",mi="=@>8?2@546:?=",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;j