They have different ranges, from the close range Garde's (which do just about the same damage as Ogre heavy drones, except Garde's don't have to fly around), to the longer range Wardens. Sentries can’t hit anything that’s too close since their tracking is abysmal. First, thank you for the thorough response. This course builds upon the basic introduction to drones provided in Drones 101. Sentries are fun to use. Lock the small targets first, frigs, destroyers, etc, going up in size from smallest to largest. Is this the same with weapon turrets? Tho, for new player, half-assed MJD sentry RS are really helpfull. Sentries share most of regular drones stats, so they perform pretty much the same : drop them in space. I just used that tactic in a mission. Navigation and Distance. Large Micro Jump Drive, Drone Link Augmentor II Sentry Drones are more specialized drones designed for sniping, taking up the same space as heavy drones and requiring the same bandwidth.While the other drones orbit their target at high speed, sentries sit where they are deployed from and fire at enemies from long range. A word of advice : show info is fucking fucked up. Drone Sharpshooting: does only effect your optimal range of your drones, not the range you can control it. Welcome to this class on advanced drones, also known as Drones 102! There’s a PvE Brutix fit somewhere that uses sentries as its main weapon. optimal is the max range at which you will apply full damage, meaning that up to 42 km your curator do 100% of base damage (EDIT : PROVIDED IT CAN ACTUALLY HIT THE TARGET, of course). I believe link I adds 20 km and T2 variant is 25km. And without the Navigation moduls your heavy drones … optimal is the max range at which you will apply full damage, meaning that up to 42 km your curator do 100% of base damage (EDIT : PROVIDED IT CAN ACTUALLY HIT THE TARGET, of course). Sentry drones are a completely different type of drone in that they do not fly after a target and try to destroy it; instead they sit exactly where launched and shoot the target much like a turret on a ship. Falloff allow for even further reach, but at optimal + falloff you will already be down at 50% damage. Focus on your drone support skills first (Drone Interfacing, Drone Sharpshooting etc.) Meaning you can apply damage are ridiculous long range in a moments notice. Each racial sentry drone has different stats, sort of like other drones, and they each do their racial type of damage (gallente thermal, matari explosive, etc.). T2 drones make a difference, but that should come later. Drone bay. Sentry are used largely in high class WH site run, or several nullcorp doctrine (was with Ishtar before the nerf). October 9, 2020 Anwar Picture 0. Printable Npc Damage Types Cheat Sheet V1 6 Aeon S Eve. I shall play devils advocate and suggest that for L4 missions, sentry drones are the one true drone . Electronic Systems Skills ... Eve is … Your Drones skill, which goes from 1 to 5, determines how many active drones you can keep track of; Your ship's drone bandwitdh, measured in MBit/sec. So falloff is in addition to optimal? Hobgoblin II x10 Once the small stuff has been cleared out (only BC’s and BB’s left), recall the sentries and launch heavies to deal with the remaining rats. kaboom. Warrior II x5, Scan Resolution Script x1 You probably won’t ever use the light/mediums, but they’re there because you can. Sentry Drones. A ship must have a drone bay to use drones. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. That depends on where you run them. You can orbit them, spiral in closer, paint, kill. Eve Sentry Drone Ratting. New replies are no longer allowed. Gecko and heavies are used if you run missions using Drone ships. Your drones and your ship are easy to scan down and heavies take ages to come back to your ship. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. This has significant impact on how you can deploy your drones, especially in PVP! Falloff allow for even further reach, but at optimal + falloff you will already be down at 50% damage. Now, I don't remember if there is a multi-mod penalty, but for sake of easy numbers, we'll say no. Sentry Drones or Heavy Drones for Missions. The mission wanted me to warp right into the middle of a bunch of baddies, but I warped in at 70 km and picked off half of them before they got in range. But their attack range, despite what their optimal/fall off suggest, are limited to your drone control range. Use scripts to ensure you can hit whatever it is you’re shooting. My ogre II’s with my fit will do 797 DPS, while my wardens will do 491. ACTIVE modules will not be factored, but passives and skills will. Invest in Faction Sentries if you’re not at T2 Sentries. Just stick with Heavies for like 90% of all missions. Omnidirectional Tracking Link I Tracking Speed Script x3. The hariel s to taking over ship balance the vexor navy issue is cz minutes istance necessary ship balance the vexor navy issue is ship balance the vexor navy issue is. Specially the long range firing sentries. If you have room for both Heavies and Sentries, then each can come in handy for different purposes and different times. Quite impressive considering can be done by a mere three weeks old toon. ... but the number is unimportant, as your drones can only engage targets that are within your drone control range. Small Tractor Beam II I orbit them to keep my transversal up anyway and just rep the sentries with an armor RR rather than having to recall and redeploy. When stuff gets close i’ll pull in the sentries and use heavies. Yeah, Sentries can shoot really far and that’s cute, but that’s about all they’re really good for. 2 thoughts on “ CCP Reverts EVE Online Drone Aggression Nerf and Other Items ” anypo8 December 11, 2020 at 5:40 pm. That's the only factor worth considering. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Light drones take 5 MB/s, medium 10 MB/s, and heavy drones 25MB/s. Your skills and modules aren't properly factored in the show info, the most reliable you can get is showing info while drones are in your drone bay (and not in space). You should treat them as a stand-still small sniper ship. As for the use : drop them in space, shoot the shit at whatever is far away from you and has a fairly low tracking. Direct Drone Commands. LOL. Edit: To answer the second half of your question, they're arguably the best drones if you're able to use them because they have enormous damage projection and are second only to heavy drones in damage. If you don't mind, can you give me examples of scenarios you use them in and an explanation of why? It also helps if the ship you’re using has drone bonuses. Damage Control II before you train up to sentry drone specialisation. Don't trust him. Drone Damage Amplifier II Additionally, they are very useful for attacking structures (as they need no ammunition). I used both sentries and heavies. Garde II = 64 dmg x 5.01 mod = 401 dps for 5 drones. with two omnis and two navigation controls the heavy drones are better as they fly as fast as the medium drones. Loading... Unsubscribe from EVEfo? Nearing 0% base damage at optimal + 2Xfalloff (42 + 20 km). Start popping rats in size order, small to large (since small rats are faster and will be a problem once they get close but will burn to me in a straight line so they’re easier to hit at long range while they approach. While other drones need to fly to target and get with in their optimal range before they start attacking. Medium Remote Armor Repairer II Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I Sentry Damage Augmentor I Sentry Damage Augmentor I Warden II x5 404 DPS, 117.5km+30km falloff, target at 176.5km. My usual method for L4 missions with a drone boat is: Get on grid and move to open up some room between me and the rats, usually 90+ km. Targeting Range Script x1 CSM Meeting Minutes The problem is, what are you wanting to do with them? Drone basics. Medium Remote Hull Repairer I, Large Nanobot Accelerator I I believe the 250km max range just refers to the hard cap for targeting range, but the number is unimportant, as your drones can only engage targets that are within your drone control range. With that said, in my experience, sentries are typically used by dropping and kitting the enemy (pvp) or dropping and orbiting (pve). Whilst it seems simple it might require tricky coding. If you are not familiar with the essentials of combat drones and how to use them, you may find much of the conte… 6:36. But yeah, heavies are better on multiple aspects, except range of course. They are most effective against cruisers and battlecruisers. You deploy them like normal drones, but they don't move. Large Ionic Field Projector I, Bouncer II x5 learn how to use Micro Jump drive Eve … Sentry are used largely in high class WH site run, or several nullcorp doctrine (was with Ishtar before the nerf). Then I picked up my sentries and deployed heavies to mop them up. you cannot tank it), MJD to range and bring out the Bouncers. It can depend a lot on what you fly and how you want to fight. IIRC the VNI has a bonus to drone speed, lending it moreso to heavy drones rather than sentries. They're kind of like turrets that you can deploy; that's why they have "gun-like" stats (tracking, range, etc.). If you are flying a drone boat and have space a flight of sentries is useful for those situations. If you can fit both, then you use the sentries to attack targets at range and once the enemy gets under a certain range you pull the sentries and deploy heavies. Just adjust your sentries according to the pirate faction your fighting. ELI5 pleas, I'm a bit of a dullard. Even the fastest drones will take minimum of 5-6seconds to reach target, and these are small drones, a heavy drone will take much longer to get to the target. level 2 TK42OnE Skills:Sentry Drone Interfacing - Eve Wiki, the Eve Online wiki - Guides, ships, mining, and more Games Movies TV Video Hammerhead II x5 Large Armor Repairer II The reason for this is the sentries engage the target as soon as deployed. While sentries may offer lower DPS on paper, their instant application from wherever you drop them outclasses heavies in missions like Blockades, Invasions and so on. When my sentries take aggro I just play logi. If at any point you find you’re taking excessive damage (i.e. The drones for each of the four major factions in EVE deliver one specific kind of damage: Electromagnetic (EM) dealt by Amarr drones, Thermal dealt by Gallente drones, Kinetic dealt by Caldari drones, and Explosive dealt by Minmatar drones. Control range. Quickest reversion ever. Sensor Booster II With 2 Omnis, my Gardes and Bouncers can track a BS orbiting me at 7km. Drone Link Augmentor II They both still have their uses. Thanks Dearth_Ellecon. We'll also review the kinds of specialized modules and rigs that can help you to improve your use of drones. Heavy Drones are least common of all the sizes. Finally, to avoid drones, you can OUTRUN them - pretty easy for a smaller ship against larger drones; Sentry Drones. EVEfo 9,715 views. For PVE (VNI is the obvious poster child) you want to use the best damage for the rats you are killing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So when I’m in a mission where the rats start far away, the wardens will be applying damage instantly and I’ll have a good number killed in the time it would have taken a flight of Ogres to fly the distance. The Domi is a warhorse of EVE, for both PvP and PvE. Sentries share most of regular drones stats, so they perform pretty much the same : While drones need to travel toward the target and orbit it to shoot it, sentries just shoot from where you dropped them. Sensor booster + rigs helps (with not great targeting skills) to keep things locked when you MJD, once you’re able to keep things locked out to ~120-130km without them feel free to switch up for something else. The wardens have an optimal of 101km. Launch sentries, usually Wardens or Bouncers. You can find out if a ship has a drone bay, and how big it is, by looking at the Attributes tab ... Bandwidth. If your drone tank skills aren’t very good, faction drones have a stronger tank and can take more of a beating, at the expense of less dps than T2 drones (not a huge amount less) and faction drones cost more. If not for the sentries, I’m not sure I would have tanked the damage long enough to complete the mission. This is because the majority of PVP ships in EVE are Battlecruiser or smaller and only a few Battlecruisers and T2 Cruisers are likely to use Heavy Drones. For an idea on common fits look no further than Eve Uni. =). Drone Damage Amplifier II Frigates, Cruisers and BC should be shot first from far away. Garde II = Tracking 0.0462, Ogre II = 64 Dmg x 5.83 mod = 467 dps for 5 drones It is less likely that you will encounter sentry drones … I’m glad it helped. In high sec you can go for heavies because no one will combat probe you and try to kick your butt. Drone boats caught in fleet warps can recover drones more quickly. Optimal Range Script x3 Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II, Omnidirectional Tracking Link I Just need lv3 average skills and T1 modules, then go to Apanake doing SoE (because not many long range Gurista NPC). yep, I pretty much only ever used heavies vs angels as they get in super close where bouncers can have trouble tracking. Nearing 0% base damage at optimal + 2Xfalloff (42 + 20 km). Salvage Drone Operation Sentry Drone Operation Support Fighters PREVIOUS. Drone Link Augmentor II For example, I’ve often used an Ishtar for missions in the past. Tho, for new player, half-assed MJD sentry RS are really helpfull. Relevant Forum Threads. Eve Echoes Sentry Drones November 27, 2020 Anwar Picture 0 Drone that flies around your house ship balance the vexor navy issue is eve echoes ship the best of each the o7 show swinging nerf bat and to exploration in eve There is an excellent guide available over at the EVE Wiki if you want more details, but in short there are three factors governing how many drones you can field:. Edit: my rude-ass was overcome with trying to process knowledge and I forgot to say thank you, I really do appreciate the help and insight people like you bring give. We’ll settle the bugfix / panic question fairly soon: if it’s just the drone assist bug, CCP will presumably fix it and re-launch the nerf in a month or so. so currently my drone control range is 35 km, obviously more if I had drone link in the top. EVEfo - Dominix Battleship PVE L4 Sentry Drone Sniper - EVE Online - Duration: 6:36. So be the time the drones get to target and start attacking the sentries have been firing for ages. This, pretty much. For Curator I's, it's telling me optimal range is 42,000m, but accuracy fall-off is only 10,000m, and the last one is an activation range of 250,000m. For example, for my skills and ship bonuses, a focused modulated medium energy beam I, with imperial navy multispectrum gives me an optimal range of 32km and a falloff of 39km. They don't move, but they have instant application, unlike other drones that have to move to their target. But in my defense, the thread was entitled “Sentries OR Heavies” as in you have to pick one or the other. Gecko and heavies are used if you run missions using Drone ships. It has one of the biggest drone holds of any battleship, a very solid armor tanker with seven low slots, and six high slots to pack a punch. Depending on the mission, land in mission & drop Gardes, kill anything ‘close’ (within ~30km iirc), then drop Bouncers and finish off whatever is left (a mix of tracking/range scripts to ensure you can hit everything). Potentially allows easier setup of sniping sentry drones by warping out and back at different ranges. you can oneshot (NPC) frigates with T2 sentries and good skills at 80km no problem :). Heavy and sentry drones require 25 Mbit/s bandwidth and take up 25 m 3 of dronebay space. Obviously in close quarter combat they will have more troubles because their tracking isn't the best ;). Heavies are much more versatile, and will have better tracking in most missions. The Sentry Drone Interfacing skill allows a pilot to control sentry drones. Furthermore, in some missions the NPC are very spread out. everything else sentry drones, gardes can hit npc destroyers and up, and can either snipe frigs on approach with sentries or drop lights which will wreck frigs with drone bonuses and damage amps. Corporation Management Skills. This is what my sniper fit looks like: I will have them unlocked on Friday, but the specs kind of confuse me. Over the next hour, we shall review the different types of advanced drones available to EVE pilots, and discuss how to use them effectively. Sentries can be fun for their alpha factor, which you generally don’t see with other drones. However, if something smaller than that came that close to you, you have already made a grave mistake. Assuming you're not trying to hit frigates at close range, sentries are like bringing 5 extra guns on your ship instead of scout drones, which have travel times and can die pretty easily. EVE Online - why i like drones - Duration: 4:37. delonewolf 11,395 views. NEXT. Now for the specifics : they don't move. Depending on how well you know the missions, an acceptable tactic is to land in mission, MJD immediately away from the bad things and kill everything with Bouncers as they chase you. Sentry drones can offer interesting tactical possibilities in PvP, such as deploying sentry drones and then moving away from them, forcing your opponent to choose between shooting your drones and chasing you. If this is the case, and I thoroughly believe you know much more than I do, it could explain some of the issues I've had within the game. Drone Damage Amplifier II I shall play devils advocate and suggest that for L4 missions, sentry drones are the one true drone. Not to mention if I send ogres out that far and they get aggro, they will likely die before they can burn back to me. Depending on the exact mission and the number of small rats I might relocate once or twice before I’m ready to switch from sentries to heavies. 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