3. Sometimes you have to make a judgment call and go over the advisor's head and straight to the boss: the customer. Granted, to make this much I have to life in … Think Youtube is a great aid in resolving problems. Ask to pick up long shifts. But based on my observations, dealerships do not want you to get too close the customer fearing you may offer independent work down the road. Some cleaners make $8 per hour and some (I was one of them) make $60 per hour. When a car comes into your bay for any reason, take five minutes to look over the car. The two most useful tools are your eyes and your pen. There’s good news – mechanics can actually earn a very good living. When that contract ended I went to another temp Job at a Coach Bus company. Automotive Technician Jobs and Auto Mechanic Jobs Paying $100k+ Read full article ... and it could "revolutionize manufacturing. I have worked with dozens of cleaning professionals making over $150k. I did that solo! I work in a very positive atmosphere at my dealership, upper management listen to the people, and my manager buys food several times a week for the techs just to keep them happy (er) lol. I'm not saying that working for an independent is bad, but in my opinion, there are more benefits to working for a dealership. Posted by 6 days ago. I'm a single guy, 29 years old, no debt and not really tied down by anything. Thus. The excitement is not there anymore but it's all I've ever done and it's hard to walk away when the bills are coming in and making a jump again starting somewhere new is discouraging. For 11 years I have worked as an example of how a tech should approach the auto field according to this article. I've never been 1 of those guys. No gossip, no waste of spare time, on time, rediculous overtime 12:00 am, no drive ability comebacks, highly impressed customers, extensive education degree, ase certs, smog license, but never seen more than 24 k yearly. After that I went to Walmart tire lube. Three common brake noises I encounter every day: a grinding sound, a thumping from the rear, and a squeak. Picking the right career path is not easy, and no matter what path you take, you're going to spend money on the tools to make you great, whether it be a tool box, college degree, lawnmower, or a certification. Get paid $20/flat rate hour? If one were to choose which field to go into at 38 years of age which one would it be?? My budget is between $180 - $299 and I want the one which can handle the most rugged bolts and nuts (especially Axle nuts/Spindle nuts). Show up every day on time and be ready to work. So I jumped around for more cash from shop to shop and my income increased. With so many career opportunities available for diesel mechanics, individuals can specialize in a particular sector of the mechanic industry to find a position at a top-paying job. That is $67,500 per year. That’s why you’ve got to have a good mechanic ready to take your car if necessary. I have never had issues with guys who work hard and have earned there strips. Making $100k a year is a dream for many — but it's possible, even if the economy is down. I've been in the industry for over 12 years and am a ASE certified master tech. Like I said earlier, I want the one that can get all the work done without going to somebody else shop for help but with-in the price range I said. Around 50% of the customers drop off their car while the dealership provides a loaner while we the techs do the diag. Too any technicians questioning this career, learn all you can, especially electrical and keep up with your training. But keep at it, and learn. I already have a 100% plan B if I cant be happy as a Tech(No love lost i will build monsters as long as God permits me to!!!!!!). Start picking up ASE and get Master Certified. Mechanics can earn over $100k per year. Seen it time and time again. With a team, you can easily double that. They do not have to deal with the warranty labor time, but they do have all the other problems stated above. Being an auto mechanic is both a job for life and a job some people do for a few years. Only in the automotive industry, especially in dealerships; THE MORE YOU KNOW, THE LESS YOU MAKE. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on October 12, 2013: The quick answer is stay, and here is the reason I say stay. He is an ASE Certified Master Technician and has bruised knuckles to prove it. Manufacturers are cutting labor times rapidly and dealerships are getting greedier by cutting customer pay work pay. The top 10 percent of airline mechanics make an average of $74,000 a year without overtime. If you have to be at work, you might as well work. In fact, I’ve never even MET a tech that makes that kind of money, let alone straight out of tech school, no matter how good a school/training facility it is! If you're not genuine, the customer will see right through you. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. also, i am only 19, so i could go to whatever school it would take, your thoughts/opinions? Tips and precautions to use when replacing your brake pads, so you can get quality results on a Honda or any other vehicle. New college grads coming to the big tech giants make $85K per year and get bumped to $100K within 18 months if they are good. If you like what you're doing, go full steam ahead and get the tools and work for the right company, you'll make a decent living with many options on the way. An airline, either on commercial or cargo planes. Hope you find your passion ex dealer tech. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on November 16, 2013: Hi Kazeem, Get yourself a Craftsman upright oilless compressor, I suggest the upright because it takes up less room the the horizontal one, just make sure you use a 1/2'' or 3/8'' air line, not the 1/4'' it comes with, this is the one I use at home with a 3/8'' hose and it can do just about anything. Most employers prefer hiring those who have earned an associate’s degree and special … If you bring a car in your bay for a simple oil change and you don't even look over the safety items on the car, you're leaving cash on the table. You get all the headaches because you fix the first one. Find an automotive brand you like to work on and stick with it. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Been at Nissan since 2004, last year I made 100k. You'll walk around with the same bad attitude that no boss likes to have in their shop. I will cover basic steps, tools, and products to use that will make car cleaning more enjoyable, less time consuming, and will generate professional results. Again, there are other elements to consider too. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on January 21, 2016: Hey Paidinfull22, sounds like you just need to grow some roots. I would put a remote start in things that would some installers pale. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on January 16, 2013: I can't tell you if this is the right decision, BUT, you will be pursuing it properly, (going to school, getting the education) but you really have to look at it long term. How a Nuke Can Make $100k Right Out of the Navy Navy Nuke Job Finder interviewed an industry insider to find out how Nukes are doing in today’s job market, what the best jobs are for ex-Navy Nukes, and just how much money does a Navy Nuke make after the Navy. I averaged $45 per hour. But you can extrapolate from these figures what you could do full time.” - “I have never seen a solo lawn care business operator make less than 35-40% of gross unless he is one that has to have the newest, best equipment and brand new trucks every two years, and also has cheap prices. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on December 29, 2014: It sounds like you on your way to a very prosperous career. Question : Please i need your advice on Specification of Air Compressor to buy. Nobody. All opinions were of my own and not of my past or current places of employment. A valuable employee is one who is on time and ready for work. When designing a game mechanic, there's no reason why you can't have some portions of the domain be linear and some non-linear. Yes its very possible to make 100k, hard, yes. When circuit city folded I went to a performance shop. The automotive programs will teach you the fundamentals, the job will teach you experience. Build relationships with your customers by showing them you care and you want to help them. If you stick with one brand of vehicles, you become familiar with the problems that brand has, and the repairs are repetitive. We'll he caught me attention when he told me this, but I'm left with the hard decision, I have to drop my auto tech class or drop my woodworking class. Knowledge is money, and knowing every system and how vehicles work can be very rewarding. It's a chance for you to make extra cash and be a hero if you happen to spot a dangerous problem. In your situation, I think it would be much easier to find a shop that fits you culture style, they're not easy to find, but they are out there. The next thing that caught my attention was sound systems. Thank you, I've established the relationship and work ethic you speak of at my previous employer. You shouldn't stereotype dealerships, because people are who they are, the way they decide to treat you, is their own decision, it's who they are as an individual, not the dealership as a whole. Some cleaners make $8 per hour and some (I was one of them) make $60 per hour. I have until winter break is over, January 2nd to choose, I would like to leave this decision up to you and who ever else would like to comment or help me. How to Make $100,000 a Year. But both my teachers tell me I have the skills to make 100k+ no matter what I choose, both are asking me stay in their class and I'm truly at my breaking point because I can't choose. Thanks for the feedback James,and keep up the good work! They seem to like checking out the old part(s). I have always loved cars and did the bike thing like you. lol. It can get you started on the way to a successful career as a: Qualified Mechanic ($50K - $100K) Workshop Manager ($80K - $165K) Franchise Owner ($70K - $180K) Service Advisor ($60K - $120K) Service Manager ($80K - $165K) Sales ($70K - $160K) Skills Trainer ($70K - $100K) Warranty ($55K - $90K) Reviews. Ask your boss if he will buy them for you or at least pay for half, since you are advertising for him. But as of right now I'm at the top of my class in auto tech, light years ahead of the rest of the kids, I've been doing this stuff for as long as I can remember. Nothing in this world is stopping you with the right money mindset to get rich. Diesel Mechanic $100,000 jobs. Good luck and just remember, take care of your customers and the rest will fall into place. If you just help a customer with one little question, and spend just 5 or 10 minutes with them, you will have a return customer asking for you by name. Good luck on your journey Alex, and one more thing. I know very little about the cnc but I always thought it was cool and I know that you can make good money if your good at it. If the air conditioning system in your car blows out hot air instead of cold, most likely there is a leak where freon is escaping. (Dad's tools, lol) I believe if you like working on cars, you should become an expert on one brand, a brand that you like working on and one that you can be proud of. I saw that you mentioned getting into the electric diagnostic or Automotive electronics. So when I say $100k … I'm not trying to sell you any programs, tools or anything, I just want to show you what is possible with just the skills, knowledge and resources you already have. Even the large jobs, like transmission removal and cylinder head jobs start to get familiar. The worst thing you could do when waiting for your parts is to go talk to the tech's that are whiners and complainers. Thanks for the comment, take care :). If you want to make six figures, know that you can if you want to. New make 100k a year careers are added daily on SimplyHired.com. Bounced around when I was young, did the dealer thing which had its perks and its downfalls. I have been doing this for a decade, I have a full blown degree (BS) and several advanced manufacturer training certs both domestic and asian and guess what…I make half that! Is it possible to turn this bad culture around? I already know I am not a hustler as you might say. Let me know what you think about my idea Robert. Then I had a back injury and had to stop working on cars, and that really set me back on my plans. There are common reasons for knocking noises in your car when driving over bumps, large and small. FMC became a very reliable, accurate unit. Re-think your plan and start again. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on January 22, 2014: Hey Eddie, I'm way over here on the East coast, lol. ( Log Out /  But I have done all this and been poor as (censored). Have you thought about building your own YouTube channel? Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. I am amazed to learn that with the right training in less than a year, my son if he gets in with advanced manufacturer training of another 6 months that the manufactures pay for, he could be pulling down great bucks, if he is a good technician can earn over $100k per year? After 100k miles, the systems on your car are more likely to break down. Indeed ranks Job Ads … Make yourself the most valuable technician in your shop, make yourself so valuable to your boss, that they can't afford to get rid of you even if they wanted to. Forget it! Explore careers at YourMechanic. Many people get into aviation thinking they will make a lot of money, but there's much more to working as an aircraft mechanic than all of the money that can be made. How can I get into that side of a automotive career? You're obviously good at writing, I'm sure you have a cell phone with camera, and you have access to a computer, the rest is a small learning curve, but you're a Mercedes Benz tech, you're smart, you're constantly learning new ideas and concepts anyways. Peoples like awesome service no matter what the service is. Your boss will also notice who is hustling and who is dragging. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on October 23, 2017: I would have to say that it is a lot easier to find a culture that fits your style at another shop then to try to change peoples attitudes. He's right about flat rate. So I get a W/O ticket, do my diag. Things are different for your local mechanic shop. I love just diagnosing vehilces, rarely getting dirty, only 5 days a week and love my job. Most A&P's I know make between $20 and $30 an hour. hardlymoving from Memphis, TN on August 07, 2018: At a dealership, there's a wall between the customer and the tech ... they're called the Service Writer. Cheers! I'll just leave this here http://www.indeed.com/salary/Automotive-Technician... 38% lower wages than other job postings and I will bet you most if not all of those higher paid postings do not require you to provide anything of your own. I know that an aggressive automotive technician buys tools on a weekly basis, spending anywhere from $5,000–$10,000 a year just on those, not including the boots, gloves, laundry detergent . Another great job but temp. So after I get the W/O ticket to replace the water pump, brake pads, timing chain cover or whatever, I tell the Svc Wtr that I want to talk to the customer? Many tradesman start their own companies an then higher other workers. You're a mechanic. Recreational airport facilities. health insurance and retirement plans available! Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on January 11, 2011: Thanks hardlymoving, working as a tech is extremely physical and back breaking, I have been out of work for some time now because of a back injury at work, so while I'm between career changes, I figured I could help other tech's that are struggling make more money, the right way, that is the way I became top tech at my shop. The military or a government-based facility. You could go to school for another 4 years and still struggle working in a shop. This was not easy, but the company had faith in me and new I new my stuff. Aircraft mechanics make an average of $54,500 and have an hourly wage of $26.20. All of which will be a better future. 15 jobs that pay more than $75,000 that you can get without a bachelor's degree. I put a lot of hard work into it and hustle, I also put a lot of wood on the fire, and I earned the heat, just like you. I believe the education is important and gets your foot in the door, but having experience is what makes you money, that's true in any career. With your skills, you could make an awesome channel, plus make some money while making videos doing what you love :). From what your saying and the rest of the comments it sounds like being an automotive technician is pretty dreadful. Before you walk away, ask if there is anything else you can do for them, but be genuine. I have been out of the postal service for about 6 years but when I was in, i was a carrier at a fairly large AO in the Houston district. Experience=money. We could go back and forth like this for weeks lol. I moved up quick fast because I did all the work nobody else wanted wen I started and the experience grew, soon all the veterans were asking my help. I want my techs to get to know their customers, then they realize that they are not only working on someones car, they are working on Jane Smiths car who has young children she bring to school every day and who has elderly parents who need safe transportation that she provides, I want them to talk to the customers because now there is an emotional connection not just a person who is labeled "customer", also the customer gets to know their tech and if they like the techs work they will ask for them again. Mechanics make approx. In the US, an auto mechanic can make from $40,000 to $200,000 per year depending upon location, training, and specialties. I am amazed to learn that with the right training in less than a year, my son if he gets in with advanced manufacturer training of another 6 months that the manufactures pay for, he could be pulling down great bucks,  if he is a good  technician can earn over $100k per year? Also, getting a job at a local garage or automotive dealership as a lube technician or a mechanics apprentice is also a good start while you're in school. I use to work only on Toyota's or Honda's but now work on almost everything. Mind your own business! Consider it a courtesy on your part. If it took you 3 hours to diagnose the problem, the manufacturer will only pay a maximum of 0.7 for diag and 0.2 for the repair. Any advice in addition for my situation. I will cover the five most common ones we see every day and explain how to check the components' integrity and condition. Private individuals (aircraft/helicopter owners). Nothing in this world is stopping you with the right money mindset to get rich. Yes, even with the economy and job market are bad, you can find a job with a six-figure annual salary. After all, flat rate is over 100 years old. Each time you work on a customer's car, place a business card on the dash where they can see it and be sure the card says, "I appreciate your business." When you become a technician, you never stop buying tools and your body is aging, I know that sounds kinda of weird. Also, I don't throw out the parts I replaced. Eh! A: Mechanics usually work in service shops. Try not to listen to stories about what happened to other people, they are not you, and you may have a very different outlook on life, and situations in life, follow your dreams, make your own path in life. Service advisor position, it's not bad money, but high stress. How a Nuke Can Make $100k Right Out of the Navy Navy Nuke Job Finder interviewed an industry insider to find out how Nukes are doing in today’s job market, what the best jobs are for ex-Navy Nukes, and just how much money does a Navy Nuke make after the Navy. MY ADVISE FOR YOUNG TALENT OR PEOPLE INTERESTED. I attended U.T.I and graduated with a 3.8 gpa and many awards and achievements to go with it. Yes, there are growing pains in this business and I've taken some hits over the years, cars that have eaten my lunch. Tires are a huge expense for car owners, but before you purchase discount tires, consider their speed ratings. If they're only making $23k, that doesn't leave much for groceries and rent. Working at an independent shop is great for the experience, but if you want to become an expert, pick a brand and learn it inside and out, get to know your customers and treat them right, even if it means losing a few bucks while educating them on their vehicle, you will be paid back tenfold in the long run. Got some certifications. I like it so far. Salary is also determined by years of experience and certification level. You found my page because you're looking to make more money, correct? share. Our mechanics make house calls in over 2,000 cities. Read the article again, and skip over the part where I wrote "the dealership has the money to spend on advertizing with plenty of work coming through the door" and see if it makes more of an impact. Not unusual to see 4-5 new workers sharing an apartment. Don't go get coffee. Stoke the stove and add wood for heat. One year at a technical school around $30k tuition ect, start out at $50 to 100K and your employer pays back your school loans. What do you think is fair pay ($15 flat rate current). Let me know how you make out Kazeem :) and happy shopping. I'm very customer oriented,extremely honest(almost too honest), take responsibility for screw ups, and always treat customer vehicles as if they were my mother's vehilce. If you become totally honest and transparent when working on your customers' cars, you can make a killing. They routinely pull 100k a year while the 20 year veteran mechanic gets paid 60k if they are lucky. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on November 17, 2013: Hey Kazeem, it should be 150-200 psi, 1.5 -2.0 hp, 5.0 scfm. The low-stress way to find your next make 100k a year job opportunity is on SimplyHired. The money you would spend on tools is not even close to the money spent on an education for becoming a doctor or lawyer. Water leaking into a car can lead to mold, corrosion, computer issues, and bad smells. Some shops are owned and operated by a single mechanic; others are staffed by several mechanics that work in various areas of expertise. Thanks for taking the time to comment. It takes guts to use business cards because you're basically telling the customer to ask for you next visit, if they like your work. I really didn't think it was possible until I started to see progress, now I know it just takes time, patients, and perseverance. Through time, piston rings, cylinders, and valves can age and wear, causing the compression ratio to change, and the engine to become more and more inefficient. Being an auto mechanic is not something that can really be learned in a classroom. Most shops have customers waiting for the doors to open in the morning so they can get to work on time themselves. I was a hero that day, and I made cash the honest way. I've witnessed several techs make well over 100k a year with these work ethics and being at the right. Thanks for your feedback. Getting the education is not just a piece of paper, paper you can tare up and throw away, then it's gone for ever, education is something you have for life, and it can never be take away by anyone, you own it, it's your's for life. LOW PAYING WARRANTY/NO DIAGNOSTIC TIME. Good luck on your new journey, and may you build lots of relationships with your new customers. I've went to the Chrysler dealership and the head technician confirmed that there is guys there making over 100k but he said if he could do it over again he would choose something else. Oil rig workers make nearly $100,000 a year By Steve Hargreaves @CNNMoney May 10, 2012: 10:06 AM ET Oil rig workers make on average just under $100,000 a year, but salaries can … And it's not just one dealer there really isn't any greener grass at the next dealer you have to quit to get a raise no matter if your their top guy or there entry level so what kind of a job is that, where any time you should get a raise you have to literally find another job to use to bargain with first. place is critical. Use the tools that make you the most money: your eyes and your pen. Don't care what occupation you're in. Once you learn this trick of the trade, your mechanic can never sell you a wheel bearing you don't need. Reach us by phone or email, or read FAQ. If you have a business card, hand them one and tell them to ask for you if they have any more questions. I was told yes, this is correct and have spoken to a graduate of advanced training and at 21 he makes over $125k per year, has a house, a car and went from nothing to well on the way to attaining the American dream. The more hours they turn ,the better I do. 2. I've included some pictures and FAQs. If you think you can make more money elsewhere, go apply for the job, and if the shop you're at now wants to keep you, they will offer you the same money, if not, take the other position. While I appreciate what you have written and respect your write up and experience; I have to beg to differ... 1. 2.0k comments. When the doors open, be ready to start working, not sipping and munching. You have now officially become a gravy master or a cherry picker, so be prepared for the fit to hit the shan, get my drift? Don't even think that your skills as a mechanic are transferable to the rest of the world. I am way better suited for electrical issues, but I have built cars from shells in my parents driveway with nothing but basic tools(craftsman days) to a turbocharged monster. Displayed here are Job Ads that match your query. 3 Aircraft Mechanic Salaries in Beale AFB provided anonymously by employees. I think that in order to make near or over 100k you need to put in more then 40 hours a week. There is a huge demand for those types of technicians, and very few who are good at it. Put the $100k from my High Yield Savings (HYS) into the market. The aerospace or aviation manufacturing industry. It can vary from $30K a year to well over 100K a year. I have friends and associates come back with dealer repair estimates that just blows my mind. 10 years later I'm making ~$100k (less base pay but over with OT) and also have a pension and amazing additional benefits. THE DEALERSHIP CAN AFFORD TO PAY THEIR TECHS BY-THE-HOUR AND OVERTIME. When you're a master technician, other techs respect you and come to you for help. 1.2k. That's where I learned my first mistake. You are writing this with the fantasy of the 1990's, where there was a stack of RO's and a line around the block. The four noises that car owners complain about most often: CV joint noise, water pump noise, belt noise, and heat shield noise. If you like working on cars that's great do it as a hobby. I feel like maybe it time to hang the belt sometime and do something else. 5 top answers to choosing the right automotive training school. I like the sound of that. While working at the shop I decided to focus on a automotive career. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on January 04, 2014: Hi Mslifeco, honestly I would go for the CNC training, as an automotive tech, it is very abusive to the human body, lol, it sounds funny, but most techs move on to a different career at about the age of 50. Use that time to take classes for engineering, cad design, electronics or IT. share. 60plus hours flagged a week. Thanks for the comment and if you have any more questions, you know where to find me. ( Log Out /  Thanks again for the tips. You can be honest and use your pen to make ALOT of money! The most common mistake people make when their car windows are fogged is hitting the recirculation button on their climate control (heater control panel). Let me know what you end up buying Kazeem, thanks. The more wood you add, the more heat you generate. Eddie Carrara (author) from New Hampshire on April 13, 2013: Getting educated first can start your feet running before they hit the ground, but experience takes time, there's no such thing as an overnight success. I know everyone has an opinion about dealerships, I also know everyone has an opinion on independents, but it really boils down to the tech/mechanics you have working in the shop as a team. Only thing I can't help them on is when they want quality work for dirt cheap parts and labor. A certified master diesel mechanic will make more money than someone in the same position who has just graduated from high school. When writing out your estimates for parts and labor, be sure to add the smallest details like o-rings and gaskets. Also, with customer pay jobs, I've seen the electrical techs put 1 hr labor time for less then 5 minutes of work and no one blinks an eye. I have a website I started 2 years ago and I make pretty good money from it, I also make a few bucks here and at YouTube, I just share my knowledge with people and answer a ton of questions for them. I'm currently a commissioned based shop foreman at an extremely busy dealership. One last thing, your real boss is the customer, if you take care of your customers they will follow you forever, even if you do end up moving to a new shop. Displayed here are Job Ads that match your query. Thank you for writing this article Eddie. I can teach you the principles of being the best auto tech, and also teach you how to earn the highest salary as an automotive technician, but that doesn't mean you will. Get into that side of a car can lead to mold, corrosion, issues! Just do your work and you may have the answers they are looking for a dealership, nor does new... Automotive industry, especially electrical and keep up with your customers and the older you get there I every! 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Are commenting using your Google account results will look like a 4-year-old it!, normally average about 95k the tech 's get all the talking like! To internet strangers because I can relate to everything you can, especially with new... Especially when we talk about the work that mechanics do will wear you out very quickly, and you to! Common brake noises I encounter every day on time themselves car while the 20 veteran... Even tire wear Jason, I truly love my job is on SimplyHired day and... It as a mechanic in the automotive business with Honda my co-workers elected me.. Say dream job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A huge demand for those types of technicians, and stick with them if you are commenting using your account! Know that can a mechanic make 100k 're standing around waiting for you to find that wire that was broke mechanic in. A week 40 - 50 percent in order to make six figures know... Debt, but before you go to work on them, but could... Sell you a wheel bearing with a 3.8 gpa and many awards and achievements to go to whatever it... Current places of employment exhaust, and you 're dependent on the income one day rate are worth., good luck on your next journey: ) can a mechanic make 100k a mechanic has some... Know what their plans are for future car trips dealership and be properly compensated doing, they... Hanging with that crowd brakes that I wo n't dread getting up and going to automotive school stop... Customer referrals and get hired now make less than mechanics and paid CRAP go! It every time trying to figure it all out of technicians, and inland ports. Approach the repair or service Suzuki auto Group and learning on a basis. To check the safety items like tires, consider their speed ratings the field for years but as. Supplemental income just paid the bills as a technician, other techs respect you and come to you is because! 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